Thank you for your interest in serving as a MIP Campus Mentor for a student through the
Mesa Internship Program (MIP) - Interning with a Purpose!
MIP supports students with exploring careers, developing professional skills, and compensating hands-on industry experiences through internships, volunteering, or Directed Clinical Practice (DCP). MIP is designed to promote workforce training & employment opportunities with focus on underserved student populations. Eligible Mesa students may receive a
one-time $1000 payment (also called a stipend) OR hourly compensation for workplace training & enrollment in a Work Experience or Directed Clinical Practice (DCP) course. Funding will be determined based on eligibility and is intended to support students with reducing or eliminating out-of-pocket expenses such as childcare, equipment, fees, meals, professional attire, & more. MIP students will be part of a cohort community supported by Mesa faculty to help them prepare for career pathways.
MIP is seeking
classified professionals, faculty, or admin wanting to support students in a workforce training experience within your student support department or academic program to serve as
MIP Campus Mentors.
MIP Mentors support students by:
-Identifying valuable training opportunities to develop student professional skills
-Providing ongoing support & work direction
-Nurturing student career exploration
-Participating in evaluation of student work performance, project completion & professional skills
Steps to Become a MIP Campus Mentor:
1. Speak with and receive appropriate approval first from your direct Supervisor in your student support department or academic program in order to participate and serve as a MIP Mentor.
*NOTE: Any Mesa/SDCCD employee can serve as a MIP Mentor regardless of your level and/or title. You will be supporting a student as a mentor to give direction on work projects, not serving in a supervisor capacity.
2. Develop a list of at least 3 projects/research that MIP students will complete as an intern within your student support department or academic program.
3. Complete the MIP Mentor Interest Form. All classified professionals, faculty, or admin will be notified about next steps and if there is an eligible MIP student to mentor for this term.
4. MIP Coordinators will connect with you for next steps & help identify MIP intern candidates that would be a good fit.
NOTE for MIP Summer 2025: Participation in the MIP Summer 2025 cohort is contingent upon the availability of funding and student eligibility. Funding for the program is limited and may impact the number of students who can be accepted.
Help students make an impact & intern with a purpose!
Questions? Please email MIP Team for more information:
Pavel Consuegra -
Shawn Fawcett -