Share Your News! News Submission Form
Cultural Coalition - serving southeastern & northeastern CT
Want to share your news with the rest of the Coalition (and with thousands more) by having it included in our monthly e-blast/newsletter?
Use this form to provide us with the headline and link for your industry news. Nonprofit, for profit, and individual artist news welcome!
This is industry news - not event or product promotion. Must be related to arts, culture, heritage (the creative economy) and clearly related to eastern CT. Registered Partners & northeast region contacts ONLY.
***News we WILL include: new hires, facility improvements/upgrades, groundbreakings, major program/service changes, awards, grants, collaborations and the like.
***News we WILL NOT include: individual event and program promotion (please submit your events to the CORE calendar, which we promote in every e-blast)
DEADLINE: 25th of every month to be included in our monthly e-blast that goes out on or around the 1st of each month.
Your Name
Name of registered Organization/Business/Individual
Headline (exactly as it will appear in our newsletter)
Max. 100 characters. (Remember, not individual events or program promotions.)
Link for more information, article, webpage, etc.
Must be directly related to headline above.