HRA Archaeological Technician (Seasonal)
Contact Information
Mobile Phone
Please upload your CV/Resume
Please upload three professional references (if not included in resume). References should include full name, email address, and phone number and be relatively recent as possible (e.g., within the past few years).
What is your city and state of residence?
If you reside outside of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, or Montana, do you have plans to permanently relocate to one of these states?
If you have plans to relocate to one of these states, please indicate which city and state and approximate timeline.
N/A - I live in one of these states.
Interview Questions
1. Please describe the training and education you received at your field school, specifically survey, types of sites identified or worked on, excavation techniques, artifact identification (precontact and/or historic), cataloguing, and interpretation of findings.
2. Describe the general excavation of a shovel probe. How would you differentiate between strata during excavation?
3. Do you have experience using tablets, GPS units, and/or computer software in relation to cultural resource management or other jobs? What programs are you comfortable using?
4. Do you have any monitoring experience? If so, on what types of projects? If not, are you comfortable working around heavy machinery?
5. Do you have any experience with excavating test units? If so, for what type of project and where?
6. Do you have any artifact analysis experience? Are you more familiar with precontact or historic artifacts?
7. Are you currently 24- or 40-hour HAZWOPER certified, or have you been within the last 12 months? If so, please provide your renewal date.
8. Have you taken a First Aid/CPR certification class within the last 2 years? If so, please provide your renewal date.
9. Have you participated in any type of wilderness safety training (e.g. wilderness first aid/survival, bear safety, shotgun safety) within the last 12 months? If so, list the trainings/certifications, renewal date, and what topics were covered.
10. Please indicate where you heard or saw HRA's job announcement.
Archaeological Technician Required Qualifications
1. Do you have a B.A./B.S in Anthropology, Archaeology, or closely related field?
2. If you do not have a B.A./B.S. in Anthropology, Archaeology or closely related field, are you a current student nearing graduation and what is your expected graduation date?
3. If you are not a student nearing graduation with a B.A./B.S. in Anthropology, Archaeology, or closely related field, do you have extensive experience in archaeological monitoring, survey, excavation, or other scientific field research?
4. Do you have a graduate degree (M.A./M.Sc., PhD) in Anthropology, Archaeology, or closely related field?
5. If you hold a graduate degree in these fields, are you an SOI qualified Archaeologist? Please review this link for more information about SOI qualifications:
HP Fact Sheet #5: Professional Qualifications Standards (
6. This position requires the ability to stand to lift items of up to 50lbs and possess the visual acuity required to accurately observe and describe archaeological sites, features and artifacts. Can you meet these requirements with or without a reasonable accommodation?
Note: Work offered by HRA is temporary/seasonal, on-call, as needed, and without guarantee of any work or hours being offered or available.
I attest that the above statements, resume, and qualification questions are true and I understand that misrepresentation of my education and experience will disqualify me from employment a HRA.
I Agree