Promotional Agent Application
Independent Contractor Agreement
  • Medical cannabis is now recognized as a safer alternative to other more dangerous medications.
    With the cooperation of Producers and Providers throughout the USA, we connect Patients with Providers for COMP Medicine assistance and accessibility (THC in 38 states and DC) and CBD to all 50 states.

    Promotional Agent Duties:
    Recruit medical clinics, physicians, vape or smoke shops to allow a small poster for the COMP program.
  • Contains a unique dedicated code specific to you.
    The standard size is 8.5 wide by 5.5 inches tall.
  • BENEFITS for Clinic or Doctor:

    A. Patients get FREE premium quality medicine.
    B. The clinic attracts more patients with a great COMP medicine incentive.
    C. The clinic can get up to $15.00 for each new patient. (Negotiable)
  • Equipment you will need:

    1. Computer with internet access.
    2. Color Printer.
    3. Adequate local transportation
    4. Professional or decent attire.
    (It helps a LOT to dress nicely)
  • BENEFITS for Promotional Agent:

    A. Promotional Rep gets paid up to $30.00 for every new patient.
    B. Promotional Rep gets residual payments of $5.00 each repeat order thereafter.

    First patient order will register their email, IP adddress, full name and mailing address, for residual credits.
  • Financed by:

    COMP Medicine program is financed by an average of a .10% markup on NON-COMP and .15% on Recreational Patient orders. And by medicine donations.

    Non-COMP and Recreational orders are the Major Financiers (85%) of the Compassion Club Cooperation and are crucial to its success.
  • Work-from-home employment can earn more than the average job.
    NO commute, NO fuel cost, or bus fare.
    Plus tax deductions for:
    1. The cost of your computer/s and supplies.
    2. Your yearly internet service cost.
    3. Up to $1,500.00 for your rent or mortgage, as a home office!
    The catch is…..You actually have to do some work!

    Locate and meet with Clients.
    Secure Poster and agreement.
    2. Check back every two weeks to greet and thank them.
    It is also to service, replace or secure poster location.
    You can justify the visit by quietly asking if they have received their check.
    (Checks are sent from once to twice a month depending upon the amount)
  • This Agreement is between The Emerald Group ("the Company")

    ("the Contractor"), signed at bottom.
  • 1. Independent Contractor.

    Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Company hereby engages the Contractor as an independent contractor to perform the services set forth herein, and the Contractor hereby accepts such engagement.
  • 2. Duties, Term, and Compensation.

    The Contractor's duties, term of engagement, compensation and provisions for payment thereof shall be as set forth in this Agreement, for services to be rendered by the Contractor and agreed to by the Company, and which collectively are hereby incorporated by reference.
    Providing promotional activities, tasks, and "postings", everywhere that is allowed.
  • 3. Independent Contractor.

    This Agreement shall not render the Contractor an employee, partner, agent of, or joint venturer with the Company for any purpose. The Contractor is and will remain an independent contractor in [his or her] relationship to the Company. The Company shall not be responsible for withholding taxes with respect to the Contractor's compensation hereunder. The Contractor shall have no claim against the Company hereunder or otherwise for vacation pay, sick leave, retirement benefits, social security, worker's compensation, health or disability benefits, unemployment insurance benefits, or employee benefits of any kind.
  • 4. Termination.

    The Company may terminate this Agreement, after 90 days of Contractor inactivity and will notify Contractor by email of such action. In addition, if the Contractor fails or refuses to comply with the written policies or reasonable directive of the Company, is guilty of serious misconduct in connection with performance hereunder, or materially breaches provisions of this Agreement, the Company at any time may terminate the engagement of the Contractor immediately and without prior written notice to the Contractor.
  • 5. Resignation.

    Contractor may cancel this agreement at any time, without providing notification to Company. Company does not have the right to withhold any amounts due to Contractor, for any reason.
  • 6. Entire Understanding.

    This document and any exhibit attached constitute the entire understanding and agreement of the parties, and any and all prior agreements, understandings, and representations are hereby terminated and canceled in their entirety and are of no further force and effect.
  • 7. TERM:

    This engagement shall commence upon execution of this Agreement and shall continue in full force and effect unless otherwise canceled by Company with email notification, or resignation by Contractor. The Agreement may be extended indefinitely by mutual agreement, unless terminated by operation of and in accordance with this Agreement.

    $25.00 for every order using your Promo Code, from first time patients.

    Plus residual:
    $5.00 every repeat order therafter.
    For full term of working relationship.(*)

    * After 6 poster placements, at six different address locations,
    consistant for two full years.
    Residuals become permanent, even if relationship is discontinued.
  • IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned has accepted this Agreement.
  • Payroll is in the forms of:
    US Postal money orders sent through USPS.
  • After you submit your registration, you will receive promotional materials and your Code number.

    Always use your code, that is how we know who to compensate.
  • Everyone is different.

    We have had over 130 applicants in the last 12 years. Out of those, only 3 even tried.
    You have to be self motivated, disciplined and goal driven.
    Just a few poster locations at busy clinics, will do all your work for you, easily earning more than any minimum wage job, within a few months time, without having to go to work.

    Commissioned based employment always has the highest pay. If you are afraid of a commissioned based position, an hourly or salaried position is most likely your best choice.

    We have two part time Promotional Agents.
    Working about ten hours a week from home and about five hours a week in the field.

    California Rep began August 2021.
    Recruited six poster locations.
    As of September 2024, total earnings are: $217,870.00

    Arkansas Rep began November 2022.
    Requited three poster locations.
    As of September 2024, total earnings are: $178,805.00

    Our first Promotional Agent in 2012 to 2015, is now the Chief Executive Volunteer.
  • Click above for other opportunities