Please take a moment to complete this survey about your role in Work Experience with SDCCD. Your answers and feedback will help our campus to grow the Work Experience program so we can provide valuable real-world experiences for students and prepare qualified student candidates to benefit partner organizations. Please review all WE requirements, forms, and district resources at the SDCCD Work Experience website.

Questions or need accommodations? Please email the designated SDCCD campus Work Experience Coordinator for more information:

City College - Nicole Vargas |
Mesa College - Shawn Fawcett |
Miramar College - Kyoka Hashimoto |

  • NOTE: You are being asked for your ID to fill out a brief survey to be used for institutional research and program improvement purposes only. Your responses will remain confidential. SDCCD will not share your individual responses or Student ID. We are asking for your ID so that we can connect the survey results with other data. This will allow us to look at how the WE program is meeting its goals and make improvements in the future.

  • Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable
    As a result of my enrollment in Work Experience... I can develop, demonstrate, & articulate my professional skills, behaviors, & workplace competencies necessary for successful employment through on-the-job industry experiences.
    As a result of my enrollment in Work Experience... I can identify, write, and work towards completing SMART workplace or career goals for professional growth.
    As a result of my enrollment in Work Experience... I can explore and pursue career pathways, industry expectations, professional competencies, and workforce preparation strategies.
    As a result of my enrollment in Work Experience... I can effectively communicate, meet, and consult with the appropriate contact for all job-related expectations, issues, & workplace paperwork by appropriate deadlines.
    My academic program has prepared me with the skills and knowledge to complete work tasks through my Work Experience placement.
    I have an increased knowledge of career opportunities and industry requirements.
    I have an increased confidence in my ability to pursue a career in my field of interest.
    My placement supervisor worked with me regularly and was available to train and answer my questions.
    My Work Experience Instructor provided regular support with my career development.
    I feel that my enrollment in Work Experience was informative and valuable in preparing for future careers opportunities.
    I would recommend the company I interned with to other students.
    I would recommend enrollment in Work Experience to other students.
  • Describe any area(s) and/or skill(s) that show great promise or need improvement.
  • Demographics:

    Please answer the most appropriate answer. Your anonymous feedback will only be used for institutional and program effectiveness.
  • Please check all that apply
  • Please check all that apply
  • Please check all that apply
  • Please check all that apply