a 501c3 edeucational nonprofit

Columbia Metro Convention Center | Upstairs Ballroom

What's Sold Out? If marked "SOLD OUT" do not fill out application but send EMAIL to contact@SpiritualFusions.com to be placed on the waitlist. Refer to the Application Webpage for specific categories that may be sold out.
  • >NO paid readings/healings in vendor booths; NO sales in reader/healer booths
    >CBD/Delta ingestible or inhaled products may not be sold or offered
    >All booth placements are assigned by the Expo.
    >Contact us if you have questions on whether you are a fit for the show.

    APPLICATION & PAYMENT must be received May 18, 2024 for Early Bird discount. Application plus Payment MUST be received to receive official confirmation. Contact us before submitting a payment if you have questions whether you are a fit for the show.

    CONFIRMATIONS will be sent out 1-2 weeks after receiving application & payment. *Remember to check your SPAM/JUNK for the Confirmation email.
  • - -
    As a vendor you will automatically be added to SMS text messages for show updates.

    HOW READING/HEALING SESSIONS WORK: All sessions are 15-minute for $20. Vendor receives $13, the show $7. All sessions are scheduled by the Expo. No payments for services or the selling of products is allowed by Readers/Healers. Using aromatics or roaming sounds are not allowed. Floor signs are not allowed.

    BRING A TIMER to help you stay within 15 minutes! **Healers may require 30 minutes i.e. 2 sessions - if so, note in the "Comment" section below.

    TABLES/CHAIRS: Readers are provided a draped 36" round table with 3 chairs. Healers using massage tables/chairs need to bring a small (TV tray) size table to display information and will be provided 2 chairs.

    VENDORS: Each booth includes one 8’ undraped table and 2 chairs. No tents allowed. All banners/signs must be free standing or attached to table space. Do not attach items to walls by any method. No paid readings/healings in booths permitted. No promoting or selling outside booth area. *The Expo assigns all booth locations and will try to accommodate special requests.
  • This is your first impression to us & everyone else as it will be on the website, social media advertising, etc. It needs to describe what services you provide & what will get people to wanting to come see you! It needs to be clear and concise. Your description will be cut & pasted so double check spelling/grammar. Please submit in the 3rd person and in one paragraph. All submissions may be edited for style, length, form and content.
  • Lecture slots are 45 minutes including any set up, break down and Q&A. We strive to keep the presentations interesting, varied & must be educational. Not an "info-mercial."

    To be considered, you must provide an adequate description, a short bio, a picture and a link to a video sample of your work if possible (it does not need to be on the same topic). All submissions may be edited for style, length, form and content. Submission of a presentation does not guarantee a presentation time.

    Please contact us if you have any audio/visual needs (additional fees)
  • *Days & times requested are not guaranteed.
  • Must be of good quality & resolution. JPG, JPEG, GIF or PNG formats only. 300x300 min resolution. 4 MB max in size. Spiritual Fusions is not liable for any legal or financial consequences arising from copyright infringement associated with submitted content, including artwork or photos. Submitters are solely responsible for ensuring their content does not violate any intellectual property rights. This disclaimer extends to any content pulled from your website, Instagram, or Facebook accounts by Spiritual Fusions.
  • *IMPORTANT: Label all payments "Columbia Fun - July 2024"
  • • APPLICATION - Application submissions do not guarantee acceptance. Spiritual Fusions reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any product, company, service or presentation. Application fees will be deposited upon receipt. Refunds will be made to any vendor not accepted to participate.
    • REVIEW PROCESS - All applications are reviewed for every event. Our community relies on us to connect them with skilled, trustworthy practitioners committed to delivering exceptional service. Consequently, after reviewing, we may request references and/or a sample reading/healing to ensure alignment with the mission of Spiritual Fusions.
    • INTEGRITY / ENERGY MANIPULATION - Spiritual Fusions holds each event to the highest quality and expect every participant to behave with the utmost integrity. The Expo does not tolerate any type of energy manipulation or soliciting unwarranted services outside of the Expo for excessive fees. It is our mission to serve the community with the purest intentions. If suspected of not adhering to this policy, that person may be asked to leave with no refund or credit of fees paid.
    • CANCELLATIONS - No refunds or credits after May 18, 2024. No Exceptions.
    • SET-UP TIMES - Set-up is Friday: 3pm-7pm & Saturday: 8am-9:30am. Vendor spaces not setup by 9:30am on Saturday, will be considered a NO SHOW with no refund. No setups are allowed after 9:30am.
    • BREAKDOWN - Breakdown is Sunday: 6pm-8pm. NO early teardown including Readers & Healers on Saturday and/or Sunday. Leaving early disrupts the energy of the entire show. Any special circumstances need to be brought to the Expo director.
    • FOOD - The Venue does not allow outside food. So, no coolers. Please have your snacks incognito, even though they have never commented on snacking. There will be a concession stand between 11:30-3:30 pm. In an effort to promote professionalism, especially for readers/healers, we ask that "meals" not be eaten at their tables.
    • PARKING - Parking is free for vendors
    • RETAIL LICENSE / SALES TAX / CERTIFICATION - It is the responsibility of each participant to ensure they meet the required city/state resale, health, and licensing department requirements and possess any required professional licenses & certifications. If the necessary licenses, credentials, or legal requirements are not up to date or valid in the state where the show is being held, you will bear sole responsibility for any fines imposed on yourself or any fines incurred by Spiritual Fusions, its owners, sponsors, or the venue.
    • TIP jars/signs are not permitted. You may accept a tip only if offered.
    • SECURITY - Basic security is provided. Spiritual Fusions nor the venue is not liable for lost, damaged or stolen goods, equipment or personal property by any cause.
    • CONDUCT & MANAGEMENT CONTROL - The Expo has the right to deny exhibit space to any participant whose service is not in line with the character/quality of the Expo. The Expo has the right to relocate, remove or prohibit anything which does not reflect the Expo standards as to appearance, cleanliness, noise or odors without question. Exhibitors agree to conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Management reserves the right to ask exhibitors to leave because of unprofessional, unethical, illegal or unacceptable behavior. If an exhibitor is asked to leave, all payments and expenses will be forfeited.
    • CBD/Delta ingestible or inhaled products are not allowed due to insurance regulations.
    • FIRE REGULATIONS - SMOKING/VAPING is not permitted in the building, nor the burning of candles, incense or any other material.
    • ALCOHOL - No alcohol allowed. Participants are to be of sober during Expo (including setup/breakdown) and not under the influence of drugs, alcohol, marijuana or hallucinogens.
    • FACILITY - All areas must be left clean and free of everything, including excessive trash.
    • WI-FI is available; however, do not rely solely on Wi-Fi in case issues arise.
    • ANIMALS - No pets allowed. Registered Service Animals Only.
    • DAMAGE - Spiritual Fusions does not provide insurance coverage on vendors or their booths. Vendors are encouraged to carry liability insurance. All exhibitors are financially responsible for damage to property of the show or venue and are liable for personal injury to third persons or themselves, and/or lost, stolen or damaged goods.
    • LIABILITY - As a participant, I and my heirs, hereby agree to hold harmless Itha Trantham, Spiritual Fusions, its volunteers and employees from any and all liability for damage, injury, or loss to any person, property, or goods, which may arise during or as a result of this event.
    • ACT OF GOD - In the event a show becomes cancelled or delayed due to causes not within our control, exhibitors release the show, Itha Trantham and all sponsors from all claims, damages, or loss. Refunds may be issued on a pro-rated basis, less all expenses incurred by the show.
    • MEDIA - Participants grant
    full permission to the Expo to use their image or images of their booth, descriptions, contact information and bio in any promotions/shows. Interviews, and presentation may also be used for future use at the discretion of the Expo director.

    **REMEMBER WE MUST RECEIVE BOTH YOUR APPLICATION AND PAYMENT BEFORE WE CAN OFFICIALLY CONFIRM YOUR ACCEPTANCE INTO THE EXPO. Do not wait for an acceptance email before submitting payment, we do not send those out. If you have questions whether you are a fit for our show, contact us before submitting your payment.