Dog Bite Prevention Educator Submission Form
Please use this form to submit your two video links for the consent testing and your written assignment for the signs of stress and joy worksheets
Please copy and paste here the URL link to your skill video from YouTube unlisted or Vimeo
Your video link should look like this: Name of the skill + name of the dog + the link to the clearly titled video on YouTube or Vimeo.
Video Submission Requirements.
All video files must be clearly titled on YouTube or Vimeo as follows:
*Your full name.
*Dog's name.
*The Skillbeing demonstrated
For example: Louise Stapleton-Frappell. DBSE
DBSE. Jambo. Consent Test #1
Check your video criteria before uploading the links here.
Your Written Assignement
This is where you document the signs of stress and joy you have observed in your own dog. Please note we never set animals up in situations of stress for assignments. These are observations you have made in your daily life. We want to see that you understand what your dog is communicating to you
Signs of Joy
# 1 Identify the trigger, the body language and any comments you have
# 2 Identify the trigger, the body language and any comments you have
# 3 Identify the trigger, the body language and any comments you have
Signs of Stress
# 1 Identify the trigger, the body language and any comments you have
# 2 Identify the trigger, the body language and any comments you have
# 3 Identify the trigger, the body language and any comments you have
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