Body and Mind Wellness Day - Talk Application form
We only have specific number of slots available for speakers according to each venue.
We will let you know if we accept your application to present a talk.
NB: Each speaker will need to book a table for the show or pay R500 for their slot.
We will be focusing our marketing based on the education and lifestyle changes. Alternative wholesome living lifestyle. Its all about educating the public.
We have had feedback that sometimes this form does not save and submit on phones. So we recommend you use your computer / desktop.
Cell Phone
Title of your Talk: (6 words maximun)
This needs to be short and catchy!
Fill in below the details about your talk.
This will be used for marketing so please word it correctly.
Please do some marketing of your talk too. We do not guarantee a full seating, even though we will try our best to market every talk.
So the more people you invite the better. Even create an event on facebook for your talk and invite everyone you know. Send a whats app to all your contacts.
Short Biography on you.
Head and Shoulder picture of yourself if you have not given one to me in the past.
Giveaways. Would you like to offer a prize to a lucky visitor at your talk ? Please write details below. Remember to bring a voucher for your giveaway on the show day.
KZN - 24th March 2024 - DLI Hall, 5 DLI Avenue, Greyville, Durban
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