Advanced Flight Training Scholarship Application
Planes of Fame Air Museum wants to help you on your quest to improve your flying skills.

The Advanced Flight Training Scholarship is available to any citizen of the United States who currently resides within the ten counties of Southern California (Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Ventura), and possesses a current FAA-issued Flight Certificate (Sport, Recreational, Private, Commercial, Airline Transport).

Complete this application, attach the required documents, and click the submit button.

Deadline for the next round of entries is June 30, 2025. Thank you for applying and good luck.
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  • What attracted you to flying? What do you enjoy most about it? How has it changed your life? Your response is limited to 250 words.

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  • Tell us your reasons for pursuing this area of study. What do you hope to gain, why is it important? You're limited to just 250 words.

    Give us the name and contact information for two people who can help us learn more about you.
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    Please attach a digital (scanned copies are fine) of the following:
    ◘ Proof of Citizenship (birth certificate or passport)
    ◘ Copy of your current aviation certificate
    ◘ Copy of your current medical certificate
    ◘ Copy of the last two (most recent) pages of your pilot log book
    ◘ Personal Resume (be sure to list any aviation-related affiliations - i.e. EAA, Ninety-Nines, etc.)
  • Click the "Add File" link and follow the on-screen prompts. The form will allow you to attach multiple files. Files can be PDF, Doc/Docx, ppt/pptx, xls/xlsx, csv, txt, rtf, html, zip, rar, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, tif.

    Planes of Fame Air Museum requests this information for the purposes of evaluating candidates for the Advanced Flight Training Scholarship. The Museum will not share any information submitted for these purposes with any outside or third party organizations. Planes of Fame Air Museum may add the candidate to its own marketing and communications lists.

    The candidate acknowledges that submitting this application places the information into review by the Scholarship Committee of the Planes of Fame Air Museum. The Scholarship Committee reserves to right to determine the amount of Scholarship to be awarded in the Advanced Flight Training Scholarship based upon the level of completeness and content of the responses. The decision of the Scholarship Committee is final. Scholarship recipients are eligible to receive this Scholarship up to two times. If no qualified candidates apply for the Scholarship, Planes of Fame Air Museum further reserves the right to withhold the scholarship. Candidate further acknowledges that by submitting this application, Planes of Fame Air Museum can use candidate's name, likeness, and other reasonable information in its promotional efforts.