i.e. 2 pm - 6 pm on Saturday and 11 am - 2 pm on Sunday
i.e. Park in back lot, enter at side door, go to meeting room 3, etc...
i.e. first floor access only, elevator to second floor not third, some areas not wheelchair safe, etc...
i.e. limited parking, not on LTC bus route, some areas under renovation, etc...
i.e. limited parking, not on LTC bus route, some areas under renovation, etc...
If you activity does not fit into the above categories, please provide a brief description here.
If you activity does not fit into the above categories, please provide a brief description here.
If you activity does not fit into the above categories, please provide a brief description here.
If you activity does not fit into the above key words, please provide 2-3 keywords here.