The Gifted Lab - Child Questionnaire
The purpose of this questionnaire is for the psychologist to have an understanding of your child and the concerns of parents / guardians. Please complete this questionnaire to the best of your knowledge. The information provided in Sections A to E of this questionnaire may be reflected in your child's final psychological report.
A. General Information
Child's Full Name (as in Birth Cert / Passport)
Child's Birth cert No / NRIC No:
(Please bring along your child's BC/IC for your appointment for verification)
Please select
Date of Birth
Class / Level
Main Language/s used at home
Mother's Name
Mother's Contact No.
Mother's Email
Father's name
Father's Contact No.
Father's Email
People, other than the parent(s) and child, living in home
Name / Age / Relation to child
Who are the main people who look (looked) after the child on a day-to-day basis?
Name of person / Relation to child / Period of time
B. Parent's / Guardian's Concerns
1. What is the main purpose of this referral and your current concerns?
2. What do you hope to learn from the assessment?
3. Do you need this psychological assessment report for application of exam access arrangements (AA)?
Yes - Tick Learning Difficulties Assessment
Not applicable
4. Do you need a full diagnostic assessment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
Yes - Tick Full Attention Assessment
Not applicable
5. Indicate the psychologist that you have chosen for your child's assessment:
Dr Wilson Chan
Ms Deborah Ho
Appointment Date & Time with The Gifted Lab (Please indicate in the box below)
Assessments required (Please tick)
To obtain an idea of my child's intellectual potential, providing an outline of his or her cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
IQ/Cognitive/Gifted Assessment with consultation - From SGD850 (3 years old to Pri 6/Grade 6 age-equivalent)
IQ/Cognitive/Gifted Assessment with consultation - From SGD950 (Sec 1/Grade 7 age-equivalent to Sec 4/Grade 10 age-equivalent)
IQ/Cognitive/Gifted Assessment with consultation - From SGD1050 (JC1/Poly/Grade 11 age-equivalent and above)
Suspected dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, etc. Child has difficulty in math and/or reading, writing and/or spelling, weakness in language development, memory and sequencing)
Learning Difficulties Assessment with consultation (Inclusive of IQ/Cognitive Test)- (from 6 years old / Kindergarten to Primary 2 / Grade 2 age-equivalent) - From SGD1500
Learning Difficulties Assessment with consultation (Inclusive of IQ/Cognitive Test)- (Primary 3 / Grade 3 age-equivalent to Primary 4 / Grade 4 age-equivalent) - From SGD1600
Learning Difficulties Assessment with consultation (Inclusive of IQ/Cognitive Test)- (Primary 5 / Grade 5 age-equivalent to Primary 6 / Grade 6 age-equivalent) - From SGD1700
Learning Difficulties Assessment with consultation (Inclusive of IQ/Cognitive Test)- (Sec 1 / Grade 7 age-equivalent to Sec 2 / Grade 8 age-equivalent) - From SGD1800
Learning Difficulties Assessment with consultation (Inclusive of IQ/Cognitive Test)- (Sec 3 / Grade 9 age-equivalent to Sec 4 / Grade 10 age-equivalent) - From SGD1900
Learning Difficulties Assessment with consultation (Inclusive of IQ/Cognitive Test) - (17 years or JC1 / Grade 11 age-equivalent to JC2 / Polytechnic / Grade 12 age-equivalent) - From SGD2000
Academic Achievement Assessment - An evaluation of your child's academic attainment level.
Comprehensive Academic Achievement Assessment with consultation (Inclusive of IQ/Cognitive Test)- (from 6 years old / Kindergarten to 18 years / Grade 12 age-equivalent) - From SGD1500 - SGD2000
An evaluation to help understand your child’s attention (ADHD/ADD) and executive functioning in both the home and school settings.
Attention Screener - (age 4 yrs and above) - SGD300
Full Attention Assessment (includes 1 questionnaire for parents, 1 questionnaire for school and attention screener for child. Additional questionnaire will be chargeable at SGD100) - (age 4 yrs and above) - From SGD800
Executive Functioning Screener - Assess for the risk of impairment of executive functioning (age 9 years to 17 years) - SGD400
An evaluation to help understand your child’s socio-emotional / behavioural / EQ functioning.
Socio-emotional Screener - Assess for the risk of a wide range of socio-emotional issues affecting young children from age 2 to 6 (includes 1 questionnaire for parents, 1 questionnaire for school) - SGD400
Emotional Quotient (EQ) Screener - Assess the EQ level of children (age 7 years as of birth date to 17 years) - SGD300
Socio-emotional/Behavioural Assessment - Assess for the risk of a wide range of socio-emotional/behavioural issues affecting children (includes 1 questionnaire for parents, 1 questionnaire for school. Additional questionnaire @SGD100) - From SGD800
Add-on assessments
Reading Screener - Assess current reading level (age 5 years to 7 years as of birth date) - SGD100
Spelling Screener - Assess current spelling level (age 5 years to 7 years as of birth date) - SGD100
Mathematics Screener - Assess current mathematical level (age 5 years to 7 years as of birth date) - SGD100
Personality Career Screener - Assess an individual's personality strengths and potential fields of studies or work careers (age 14 to 18 years) - SGD400
Others (Please indicate in the box below)
Has your child taken any psychological tests/assessments before? Please note that prior exposure (within the last 12 months) to test materials invalidates results.
If yes, please provide the name of the tests and the name of the professional / clinic / centre who conducted it.
C. Health History
1. Please state length of pregnancy and the birth procedures (e.g. Normal, breech, caesarean, forceps)
Length of Pregnancy
Birth Procedure
2. Were there any problems that you and/or your child had during the pregnancy or immediately following birth?
Please select
If yes, please describe (E.g. Diabetes, jaundice, breathing problems, need of incubation, bruises, abnormalities, sucking or swallowing difficulties, etc.)
3. At what age did the following occur?
Sit alone
Walk alone
First words
Use 2 word sentences
Day time bladder trained
Night time bladder trained
Bowel trained
Tie shoelaces
4. Has your child had any major diseases and/or illness? (Please check)
Chicken Pox
Scarlet fever
Whooping cough
Convulsions or seizures
Head injuries
Meningitis or encephalitis
High Fever
5. Any existing diagnosis? (state diagnosis and name = designation + organisation of professional who made diagnosis + date of diagnosis)
6. Did your child have any major accidents? Was he/she ever hospitalised? If so, at what age, for what reason and for how long?
D. Educational History
1. Is your child receiving any form of academic support in pre-school / school?
If yes, please give details
2. Has your child undergone any IQ test or any other assessment (Speech, Occupational Therapy, Psychological, Educational, etc) before?
If yes, please give details
3. Is your child receiving any other forms of therapy or intervention support?
If yes, please give details
4. Is your child attending any extra enrichment classes outside pre-school / school? E.g. tuition, Kumon, student care centre, music, art, ballet, etc.
If yes, please give details
5. Please indicate the pre-school / kindergarten / schools your child has attended.
School / Level / No. of years / Feedback from teachers
School / Level / No. of years / Feedback from teachers
School / Level / No. of years / Feedback from teachers
School / Level / No. of years / Feedback from teachers
6. Briefly describe your child's progress in each area: e.g. How difficult was it for your child to learn to read/ spell...?)
Science (if applicable)
Mother Tongue
Work habits (E.g. ability to sustain attention, organisation, distractibility)
Special interests and abilities
7. Please forward school academic results, previous psychological reports, medical reports, sample of school work, etc (if applicable) to the following email address:-
E. Adjustment
1. Does your child have problems with any of the following?
Temper tantrums
Aggressive fighting
Fire setting
Rivalry,unwillingness to share
Unusual fears
Sexual difficulties
Delayed speech or stuttering
Thumb sucking
Bowel soiling
Muscle tics or twitching
Breath holding spells
Inability to concentrate
Fear of being left alone
Tends to give up easily
Cruelty to younger children or animals
If yes, please give details
2. How does your child get along with siblings (if applicable)?
3. To what extent does your child get along with siblings (if applicable)?
4. How does your child get along with other children?
5. To what extent does your child get along with other children?
6. How does your child get along with teachers?
7. To what extent does your child get along with teachers?
8. Are there any major stresses your child has experienced? (e.g. death in the family, illness, divorce, etc)
1. Has any of your other children (if applicable) been previously assessed at Gifted Academy / The Gifted Lab? If yes, please indicate name.
2. How did you get to know about our services?
Please indicate your preference if you would like to receive marketing materials and information relating to services and/or products offered by The Gifted Lab.
Please note:
* Fees paid are non-refundable or transferable and to be paid before consultation.
* Confidentiality of all clients will be strictly observed.
* The psychological assessment report will normally be ready within 3 weeks from last assessment date.
* Only the final psychological assessment report will be released to the parent/guardians.
* Request for additional copies of psychological assessment report are chargeable accordingly.
* Prices will vary depending on the type/number of areas for investigation and/or preference of the psychologist.
This form is completed by (Relationship to child)
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