USWT Dropped Chapter Request
The United States Women of Today has voted to drop any local chapter whose membership drops below 5 members for two (2) consecutive trimesters. If this occurs, the State President will receive a letter informing her of the status of the chapter. Any members remaining on the roster when the chapter is dropped will be listed as "at large" members until their dues are to be renewed.

If a local chapter votes to disaffiliate, the State President must submit a Dropped Chapter Request form. USWT will officially drop a chapter upon receipt of this form.

Responses to the online form will be viewed by the USWT Membership Vice President, USWT President, and your state contact. Fill in as much information as you know. Upon completion of the form, click Submit; you will receive a confirmation screen if your form has been successfully submitted. (rev 2017)
  • Enter the name of the submitter
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  • If you are a member of a state organization not listed, please enter your state.
  • Enter the name of the chapter to disaffiliate with USWT
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    Enter the date this chapter was chartered
  • Enter the reason the chapter is dropping
  • Enter the steps taken to assist the chapter and by whom
  • Will any members be transferring to another chapter? If yes, please complete the USWT Transfer From, which will be sent to the USWT Membership Vice President
  • USWT Transfer of Two or More Members

    A transfer form must be submitted to the state organization by the chapter into which the member is transferring. You stated that you will have more than one (1) member transferring, so you will need to contact the USWT MVP to obtain the appropriate documentation needed to complete this process.
  • USWT Transfer of One Member

    This transfer form must be submitted to the state organization by the chapter into which the member is transferring. This form needs the signature of the Member transferring and the President/Secretary of the chapter to which the member is transferring; be sure to have both present at time of submission.
  • Enter the member number if it is known
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  • Enter the name of the chapter from which to disaffiliate
  • Enter the name of the chapter number from which to disaffiliate
  • Enter the name of the state from which to disaffiliate
  • If you are a member of a state organization not listed, please enter your state.
  • Enter the name of the chapter to which the member wishes to belong
  • Enter the name of the chapter number to which the member wishes to belong
  • Enter the name of the state to which the member wishes to belong
  • If you are a member of a state organization not listed, please enter your state.
  • Enter an electronic signature of the member who wishes to transfer to the new chapter
  • Enter an electronic signature of the member who wishes to transfer to the new chapter