Vacation Quote Form (2024-2025)
Thank you for choosing The Experience By Sommer Monike to plan your next vacation!

We know that planning the perfect vacation can be overwhelming and time consuming, so we are here to help.

Our services include:

-A quote for your selected option (Flight & Resort or Resort Only packages)
-Processing & Managing Payments towards your vacation
-Time in planning, researching & booking travel arrangements
-Our expertise
-Speedy communication & support before and during your vacation
-Delivery of trip documents before departure

Please allow 48-72 business hours to receive your quote.
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    If travel dates are within 60 days, then an administration fee of $50 is required before quotes are sent. Payments are to be made via cashapp ($yourfaveta or Zelle at 704-962-2604).
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  • Please no more than 2 destinations.

    If more than 2 destinations are listed, then only 2 destination options will be sent to you.

    Only International destinations & the only in state destinations are Puerto Rico, Miami Florida, New Orleans, California, Vegas, & Texas.
  • Please no more than 2 departure airports. If more than 2 airports are listed, then only 2 airport options will be sent to you.

    If you are choosing the HOTEL ONLY option then please notate N/A.
  • The amount you would like to stay around or under per person.
  • I do not book Spirit, Frontier, nor Allegiant