Have A Go Row Registration Form
Email Address
A message confirming your application will be sent to this email address upon completion of your form submission.
Mobile number
Please input your number with no spaces e.g. 07781123456
Date of Have A Go Row
Interested in
Please select all areas of rowing you are interested in.
Rowing Experience
Please tell us about any experience you have of rowing.
Rowing Consent Form
Members under the age of 18 must upload a completed rowing consent form. A copy of the form is available on the Club website
I agree that I shall participate in the "Have A Go Row" session organised by the Guernsey Rowing Club LBG ("the Club") entirely at my own risk. I agree to hold the Organisers and Officials of this session harmless and indemnified against all claims and loss, damage or bodily injury arising out of my participation. This information is held specifically for the purposes of the "Have A Go Row" session and will be kept to contact you further regarding the Club. This information will be destroyed if you notify us that you do not want to remain in contact with the Club.
I agree
I am happy to be contacted by the Club for future events, activities and updates.
I agree
1. A Rowing Consent Form must be completed for all Members under the age of 18. A copy of the Form is available on the Club website.
2. The Rules of the Club are available on its website.
Guernsey Rowing Club LBG
Registered Number: 43627
Registered address: The Boathouse, Mont Crevelt, Bulwer Avenue, St Sampsons, Guernsey, GY2 4LH.
The Guernsey Rowing Club (GRC) is subject to the requirements of Data Protection (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 2017 (the Law) and registered as a data controller with the office of the Data Protection Authority (ODPA) under registration number DPA2534. In those regards, any information supplied in this document that falls within the scope of the Law will be held by the GRC in compliance with the GRC’s ‘Fair Processing Notice’, which can be found on the GRC website.