Judge Rules & Scoring Question Form

    Fill out the form below and we'll respond within 3 business days. If you're unsure of whether something is illegal, this is the fastest way to get an answer. Please include video(s) to ensure an accurate ruling when possible.

    THIS FORM IS FOR YCADA JUDGES ONLY. Do not use this form if you are a part of a youth team or organization. League coaches and coordinators can check their custom page to find the correct Rules Question Form for those organizations.

    Please include all info requested on this form so we can keep your question/answer on record for your league & YCADA events you judge.

    OTHER QUESTIONS? Email judge@ycada.org.

  • (This must be accurate in order for you to receive a response)
  • - -
  • (i.e. Mascot, Gremlin, Jr. Pee Wee or list age range)
  • (IMPORTANT - For YouTube, settings must be set to "Unlisted" (not Private) so we can view your video. A video link is highly recommended to get an accurate ruling and may be required by the rules judge for some questions)
  • Max upload size is 10MB
  • (Please be as specific as possible by describing specific skills, etc.)