Primerdial Vigor X, marketed for men who want to increase their penis size.
Primordial Vigor X is a supplement that claims to increase the size of the penis and give men a stronger, longer lasting erection.
Is Primordial Vigor X legit? Can you increase penis using a supplement? Our review will tell you everything you need about this formula.
What is Primordial Vior X?
Primordial Vigor is a sexual supplement that's marketed to men who are looking for a bigger penis.
According to the website of Primordial Vigor X, the supplement is able to double or triple your penis' size without the need for surgery, pumps, stretches, or any other invasive method.
Adam Walsh, the creator of the formula, claims that he went from having a penis measuring 3 inches to one measuring 10 inches. Some claim to have gained 5 inches or more.
Primordial Vigor X is available today for anyone to purchase. It contains an activator of "primordial development" that was identified by a rogue physician. Natural ingredients stimulate growth in the male body. This increases penis size and improves sexual health.
Primordial Vigor X is exclusively sold through, where it's priced at $69 and comes with a 60-day moneyback guarantee.
Primordial Vigor X Benefits
Primordial Vigor has many benefits, including:
- You can double or triple your penis size
- Natural ingredients without side effects
- Promote testosterone production
- Male vitality, support energy, muscle firmness and erections
- Created by doctor
- Guaranteed 60-day satisfaction
Primordial Vigor works in a similar way?
Primordial Vigor X targets a "primordial-growth" trigger in yourself. According to the official site, by activating the primordial growth system you can increase your penis permanently.
The average penis of men today is smaller than it was decades ago. Primordial Vigor X's makers blame endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). These chemicals are everywhere and they lower testosterone.
Primordial Vigor X is a daily supplement that purports to remove toxins, increase testosterone, and promote penis growth.
Primordial Vigor X does not just claim that it will give you larger and stronger erections. The official website has testimonials of men who have added 5" or even more to their penis using the supplement.
Who created Primordial Vigor X? Adam Walsh
Primordial Vigor was developed by Adam Walsh, a 31-year-old man who collaborated with Dr. Jackson, a doctor, to create the formula.
Adam says he had a penis of three inches and ED before he began taking Primordial Vigor X.
Adam was embarrassed about his penis of three inches during his college years. Adam felt worse and worse as girls made fun of his penis.
Adam's sexual ability has improved dramatically since he began taking Primordial Vigor X. He has sex for hours with his girlfriend and has multiple orgasms, all without ever losing his erection.
Adam says he is now the proud owner of a "10" penis, which my girlfriend cannot keep her hands and mouth off. Adam did not use any stretching techniques or surgeries to increase penis sizes; he took Primordial Vigor X ingredients.
Adam is motivated by his success to share his formula. He partnered up with a US supplement company and anyone can now buy Primordial Vigor X on the internet.
Adam Jackson and Dr. Jackson worked together to increase penis size
Adam, frustrated by his small penis turned to the Internet. He began researching methods to increase his penis' size. He tried supplements, pumps and other solutions, but none worked.
Adam came across the research of Dr. Jackson, a mysterious researcher. Dr. Jackson instructed Adam to use a blend of special ingredients that was part of "primordial Growth Activator" in order to increase his penis size.
Adam's description of the encounter is as follows:
He agreed to meet me at a private discuss my problem.
Adam did some research before the meeting to ensure that Dr. Jackson was a licensed doctor who could treat Adam's illness. Adam thought Dr. Jackson was extremely qualified.
"...Dr. Jackson was not just a typical practitioner who made bold claims online. He is a Lasker Award winner, also known as "America's Nobel Prize" for Medical Research ."
In the past 15 years, Dr. Jackson has contributed to "groundbreaking treatment" and "cutting edge research". Since 2018, Dr. Jackson, however, had disappeared underground and few heard of him.
Primordial Vigor X is the result of Dr. Jackson's advice to Adam. He told him to take a blend of specific ingredients that would permanently increase his penis size.
Primordial Vigor Targets the Cause of a small penis
Experts blame genetics, hormonal changes, the environment and other factors for a small penis.
Adam and Dr. Jackson claim the opposite. They blame low testosterone on , microplastics and other environmental pollutants.
Dr. Jackson attributes the increase in small penis to two specific factors:
Falling testosterone levels in modern men. Men of today have lower testosterone than men from the same age group a few decades back. The development of the penis is heavily influenced by testosterone levels. Your penis could not have reached its full potential if you had testosterone levels that were lower than normal during puberty.
Pollution, dangerous chemicals, and the environment can all cause testosterone to drop. Microplastics and endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDCs), for instance, are known to cause testosterone reduction and hormone imbalance. EDCs are found in your cleaning products, clothing and food packaging. They affect your testosterone levels every day.
Dr. Jackson says that due to these factors, the average 20 year old has a smaller genital area than they did in the 1980s due to declining testosterone levels. The testosterone levels are dropping, making it harder for men reach their optimal penis size.
Primordial Vigor is designed to reverse the negative effects of EDCs (electro-chemicals) and microplastics by activating your "primordial" growth system. This will help you reach your true penis size. Dr. Jackson says that men of any age can increase their penis' size by activating the system.
What does Primordial Vigor do?
Primordial Vigor is a product that aims to reverse penis size issues caused by low testosterone levels and environmental toxins.
Primordial Vigor works in stages using dual-action ingredients. These stages include:
Stage 1 Flush out harmful chemicals, Support your body's natural detoxification and cleansing processes.
Stage 2 Reignite the hormonal balance, This includes a focus on serotonin and testosterone, which are essential for sexual health.
Primordial Vigor X Ingredients
Primordial Vigor contains a combination of ingredients that are linked to sexual performance, blood flow, and testosterone.
Primordial Vigor X contains all the ingredients that Dr. Jackson selected. This is why it is advertised as a doctor-formulated blend. Dr. Jackson endorses the use of this supplement to increase penis.
According to Dr. Jackson, here are the active ingredients and their functions in Primordial Vior X:
The mineral magnesium: is important for hundreds of male bodily processes. According to its official website, magnesium is "particularly adept at increasing testosterone" because it helps cleanse the body of toxins that are linked to low levels of testosterone. Magnesium, by cleansing toxins out of the body and revitalizing the growth process, "sets up the stage for hormonal balance and improving the growth processes," allowing you to increase your penis size and testosterone.
ZINC: zinc is an important mineral for testosterone, sperm quality, and male vitality. Men who do not consume enough zinc tend to have lower testosterone levels. According to the website of Primordial Vigor X, the combination of magnesium and zinc helps "fortify the body's hormone production" creating an ideal environment for growth.
Tribulus Terrestris: Tribulus terrestris, a plant-based extract that is found in many testosterone boosters. Some men use it to improve prostate health while others do so for libido or testosterone balance.
Chysin: According to Dr. Jackson's research, chrysin blocks the conversion from testosterone to estrogen and helps to maximize penis growth.
Epimedium Sagittatum: Epimedium Sagittatum helps to increase blood flow, testosterone production, and erections.
Tongkat ali: Also known as eurycoma latifolia, Tongkat "vital" for increasing libido and also helps your body's detoxification process. Historically, it was used in Southeast Asia and Philippines as a remedy for male energy problems.
Saw Palmetto: Saw Palmetto is a powerful herb that can help support testosterone levels, and improve erections in general. This claim comes from the makers of Primordial Vigor X. Saw palmetto, like tribulus Terrestris is used in many male vitality products available today.
Hawthorn Berries: Hawthornberries are specifically designed to promote cardiovascular health by improving circulation and blood flow in your penis.

Primordial Vigor X vs. other penis enlargement techniques
Primordial Vigor is marketed as the most effective way to increase your penis size - it's better than testosterone injections and surgery.
Primordial Vigor is a supplement that has a few differences from other supplements on the market today.
Primordial vigor X vs. testosterone injections: The side effects of testosterone injections can be dangerous, and sometimes even fatal. Some can increase your risk of stroke. When you inject testosterone into your body, it will reduce its own testosterone production.
Primordial vigor X and Testosterone Tablets: According to the website of Primordial vigor X, testosterone pills "can damage liver." Dr. Jackson warns his patients against taking testosterone pills.
Primordial vigor X vs. other penis enlargement supplement: The majority of online penis enlargement products are unproven formulas. These products don't increase your penis size. Primordial Vigor claims to be different.
Adam's Penis grew from 3" to 10".
The best penis enlargement methods won't be able to triple your penis size.
Adam claims that he grew from 3" to a 10" penis after taking an earlier version of Dr. Jackson’s Primordial Vigor X Formula.
According to the official website, here's how Adam tripled his penis size with Primordial Vibrance X:
Adam took Primordial Vigor X every night. He noticed a small improvement in his erections at first.
Adam noticed that his bulge had grown on the morning of day 9. He compared the picture to one he took before. Adam measured his penis and noticed that it had grown from 3.4 to 5 inches. Primordial vigor X was responsible for the increase of over 30% in Adam's genital length.
Adam continued to take Primordial Vigor X every day.
Adam's penis grew in size every time he measured it. The supplement increased the size of Adam's penis "in short but steady bursts," increasing its size almost every day.
After three weeks on Primordial Vigor, Adam’s penis grew to 8.3". His erections also lasted longer and were stronger. He was more energetic and had better muscle definition.
Adam slept with a girl that he had met online. He "made her finish 4 times by penetration" and stayed all night. This was his first night with Lucy, who is now his girlfriend.
Adam became convinced that Dr. Jackson’s formula to increase penis size was a valid way for men to do so after 30 days. Adam convinced Dr. Jackson that he should share his formula.
Primordial Vigor: How to take it?
Dr. Jackson recommends that you take two Primordial Vigor X capsules daily to boost your sexual performance and increase the size of your penis.
Take 2 capsules every night for 30 nights with 8-12oz water
What to Expect after Taking Primordial Vior X
Primordial Vigor X targets men who are looking to boost their sexual performance, reverse ED and increase penis size.
According to the official website, here are some effects that you may experience when using Primordial Vigor.
Permanently increase Penis Size: The Primordial Vigor is advertised as a product that will permanently increase the penis. Adam Walsh, creator of the supplement, claims that the formula's ingredients increased his penis size from 3" up to 10". The official website claims that other reviewers have grown by 4.5" using the formula. Adam claims that he is not talking about "temporary" boosts, but rather a formula which can increase your penis permanently.
Increase Fertility: According to Primordial Vigor, the product will increase your fertility by enhancing your natural protection of your reproductive system. Primordial Vigor X's makers claim that "your sperm quality and count will increase massively" due to the effects of the ingredients on the reproductive system.
Results You Can See Within Weeks: According to the website, you can "expect tangible results" in your penis within a few short weeks of taking Primordial Vigor X. Some customers see results within two weeks. Adam Walsh, the creator of this formula, claims that he grew from 3" to 8" after just three weeks by taking Primordial Vigor X.
Remove Toxins: The Primordial VigorX product was created on the basis that environmental toxins reduce testosterone levels and shrink the penis. Primordial Vigor X contains many ingredients that work to remove these toxins, allowing your penis to grow optimally. According to the official website, "our ultimate aim is to cleanse your body from the inside out", while supporting your detoxification processes. This will lead to a larger penis.
Increase testosterone: According to the official website, ingredients like magnesium can increase testosterone. Testosterone, the main male hormone for sex, is the most important. Low testosterone can lead to a small penis, especially if it was low during puberty. According to the manufacturer, magnesium, for instance, "sets up the stage for improving hormone balance."
Improve Control, Endurance & Stamina: Many males feel that they have more control and endurance when taking Primordial vigor X. According to the manufacturer, you can "delay" ejaculation. This will give you more control in bed. Men also report improved stamina and endurance outside of the bedroom. This can boost their performance in the gym or the workplace.
Scientific Evidence for Primordial Vigor
Medical experts and doctors say that surgery is the only way to increase your penis size. How does Primordial Vigor X actually work? What can science tell us about this "doctor-formulated" supplement? Below, we'll examine the science behind Primordial Vigor X.
Adam and his team cite nine studies as proof that the formula works on the Primordial Vigor X official references page, including Harvard University, University of Southampton and University of Adelaide studies. These studies do not prove that the ingredients of Primordial Vigor increase penis size. Instead, they show the link between environmental toxins (such as smog) and low testosterone. The company uses one study that shows EDCs lower testosterone.
Adam and Dr. Jackson claim that they have also conducted a Clinical Trial to verify Primordial Vigor X worked as advertised. They recruited volunteers online and then gave Primordial Vigor X out to them. This is how the trial went:
Adam and Dr. Jackson gathered a group online of 48 men. Each man received Primordial VigorX.
Two of the men experienced a 2" increase after two weeks.
The men who participated in the study also experienced other benefits. Twenty of the 48 participants experienced better hair growth. Meanwhile, 19 men had stronger muscles. The trial saw 32 men lose a few pounds in belly fat.
100 % of men reported improved erections and overall sexual performance.
Adam and Dr. Jackson refused to publish the results in a peer reviewed medical journal despite the shocking results.
Primordial Vigor X contains no ingredients that have been proven to increase penis size in major studies. No evidence exists that any plant or herb extract can increase your penis permanently.
Primordial Vigor X contains ingredients that are associated with testosterone, blood flow and sexual health. A recent study showed that Tribulus terrestris could boost the body's testosterone production. Some even consider it a prohibited substance for athletes. A second study discovered that icariin is a natural substance found in Horny Goat Weed. This molecule has "erectogenic effects" and helps to promote health.
Primordial Vigor X may contain the most studied ingredients, Magnesium or Zinc. Numerous studies have linked the minerals to higher testosterone levels. Some men take both minerals every day for this reason. Researchers found that magnesium and zinc supplements appeared to be closely linked to testosterone production in a study from 2014.
Primordial Vigor uses a combination of ingredients that have been proven to increase testosterone. However, none of these ingredients has been shown to specifically enlarge your penis.
Primordial Vigor Reviews: What do customers say?
Primordial Vigor X's official website is full of testimonials from men claiming to have tripled or doubled their penis size after taking Primordial Vigor X.
Primordial Vigor X's official website features a number of testimonials and growth claims.
Adam Walsh, the creator of Primordial vigor X claims that he grew the size of his penis by 10 inches after taking the ingredients found in Primordial vigor X. This is what motivated him to develop the supplement. Girls would tease him about his small penis. He can now spend hours with his 10" penis, and please his girlfriend.
Primordial Vigor X is credited with "packing on 5.5" inches by one customer.
Primordial Vigor is credited with "adding 4.5 inches", and "firmer erections" than ever before. One man describes his decision to use the supplement as "no brainer".
Men were sceptical after previous penis enlargement failures. Primordial Vigor X has grown a man's penis by 4.5" after he initially questioned the formula.
A man says he "gained solid 5 inches", and that his "erections now are like steel" because of the supplement. He can "go as long as I like."
Primordial Vigor claims to improve endurance, stamina and sexual performance in men. The supplement claims that it can help increase penis size, but also erection strength and other effects.
Primordial Vigor X has transformed the self-esteem of many customers. Adam was ashamed of his small penis. Primordial Vigor has increased their penis size permanently. They now walk taller and feel more confident.
Primordial Vigor X Pricing
Primordial Vigor is available for $69 per bottle. You can save more money if you purchase more bottles.
Primordial Vigor X pricing is explained below:
- 1 Bottle: $69.00 + $9.95 Shipping
- 3 bottles: $177 (59 $ per bottle) + free shipping + Bonus eBook
- 6 bottles: $294 (49 cents per bottle) + free shipping + 2 Bonus eBooks
Primordial Vigor X comes in a bottle with 60 capsules or 30 servings. Take two capsules at night to increase penis size.
Primordial Vigor includes bonuses
You can get a free eBook if you purchase 3 or 6 bottles Primordial Vigor X.
These two eBooks are:
Free bonus eBook #1: The Ultimate Guide to Sexual Health for Men: This guide is included with the purchase of all three and six bottles. It provides science-based advice for improving erection and emotional intimacy.
Get a free bonus eBook: Boost Your bedroom game: This eBook is normally $59.95, but it's included with the purchase of all six bottles. Discover new sex tricks, including proven strategies to increase her enjoyment in bed. These strategies can be implemented as early as tonight.
Primordial Viol X Refund Policy
Primordial Vigor comes with a sixty-day satisfaction guarantee. You can get a refund if you are unhappy with Primordial X or the product didn't work. You must contact the manufacturer within 60-days of purchase.
Primordial Vigor's makers have upgraded the guarantee with a doctor’s guarantee as well as a charity guarantee.
The Doctor's Guarantee is only applicable to six bottle purchases: Primordial X was created by Dr. Jackson. If your doctor is not "shocked" by your progress after 90 days of taking Primordial Vigor X, the manufacturers of the supplement are willing to refund your money or purchase a competing product.
Charity Promise: The company will donate a meal to a child in need for every Primordial Vigor X bottle returned.
Primordial Vigor: X
Primordial Vigor is manufactured in the United States, using a combination of domestic and foreign ingredients. The formula is BPA free, vegetarian, and 100% natural. The formula is also advertised as "doctor-formulated" by a mysterious Dr. Jackson.
Primordial Vigor's creators can be contacted via the following contact details:
- Email:
- Phone: +1(302) 200 3480
Final Word
Primordial Vigor uses a combination of horny goat weed, zinc and magnesium, as well as tribulus terrestris.
Primordial Vigor is a daily supplement that purports to activate the "primordial" growth system in your body by removing toxins. This, it claims, will help you increase your penis size rapidly. On the website, one man claims that he grew from 3"-8" in just a few weeks after taking Primordial vigor X. Others claim to have added 4.5" and more to their male organ.
Visit the official website to learn more about Primordial Vigor X, how it works and to purchase the penis enlargement product online.