Inchagrow is a supplement that contains two capsules daily. It can be used to increase the size of your erections and penis. You may also lose weight and gain energy by taking this product.
In our review, you'll find out whether Inchagrow is a real product or if it's just another male enhancement scam.
What is Inchagrow?
Inchagrow, a nutritional product designed to increase your penis size.
Inchagrow, available exclusively at is designed to improve male attributes without any side effects. The supplement is a combination of plant extracts and herbs that boost testosterone, increase penis size, and improve libido.
Inchagrow contains saw palmetto, tribulus Terrestris and horny goat weed, which are all popular ingredients found in male enhancement supplements sold online.
Inchagrow is a product that has been used by many men to increase their penis size from 2" to 4". This was done in just a few short months.
Inchagrow costs $69 per bottle, and comes with a 60-day money back guarantee.
Inchagrow Benefits
Inchagrow, a 100% natural formula for male enhancement, is designed to improve performance in and out of the bedroom. It also increases your erections and hardness.
Inchagrow's advertised benefits include:
- Bigger, harder erections
- Orgasms more explosive
- Stamina increases for longer lasting sex
- Arousal that is faster and more intense
- Better libido
- Improved testosterone, vitality and energy levels in men
What is the Inchagrow Process?
Men of all ages can use Inchagrow to increase their penis size using natural ingredients. According to its official website, the supplement has secondary benefits such as increased sex desire and testosterone levels.
Inchagrow is designed to work in three phases. The natural ingredients in Inchagrow work to increase male vitality and penis size as you continue taking Inchagrow every day.
After taking Inchagrow, you will experience three distinct stages:
Stage 1: Men begin to feel more energetic and have clearer thinking. Some men sleep better. Many men have the feeling that they've aged backwards by 10-20 years.
Stage 2: During the second stage you will start to experience firmer erections. Other benefits may include stronger muscles, increased energy and stamina. These can all help to improve performance both inside and outside of the bedroom.
Stage 3 You will reach this stage after using Inchagrow for three months. The natural ingredients have reduced the inflammation of your reproductive system and improved sexual performance. The supplement claims that it has "completely removed" all inflammation from your reproductive organs. This will help you to move forward into a better future.
Inchagrow should be taken continuously for at least three months to achieve the best results. The ingredients will cleanse, restore and renew when taken for this period.
Inchagrow Ingredients
Inchagrow is made up of eight carefully selected ingredients from all over the world. These ingredients increase libido and sex desire, as well as increasing the size of erections.
According to the manufacturer, here are the ingredients and their functions in Inchagrow:
Catuaba bark: Catuaba, an herb used in medicine. Catuaba's effects on sexual arousal are well-known. Some people use it to treat anxiety, memory and for general health and wellbeing. According to its official website, the Catuaba bark from Inchagrow increases sexual excitement by boosting arousal, and makes it easier to perform.
Epimedium: Epimedium, also known as horny goat weed. Horny goat weed is also known as bishop's hat or fairy wings. It has been used for centuries in traditional sexual enhancement medicines. It's still used in male enhancement products today for the same reason. Some studies have shown that horny goat weed can increase libido, while other studies show it boosts testosterone.
Ginkgo-Biloba: Ginkgo-Biloba is used in traditional Chinese medicine for inflammation, and to promote general wellness and health. We know that ginkgo is effective because it contains antioxidants which can promote healthy inflammation in the body. Inchagrow's makers believe that inflammation of reproductive organs may reduce sexual function. According to the manufacturer, taking Inchagrow's ginkgo daily may improve your erections.
Asian Ginseng: Asian ginseng is a root that has been used for centuries in traditional Korean medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Inchagrow's makers added it because of its ability to "enhance the sexual function."
Hawthorn: Hawthorn can improve circulation and give you a firmer, stronger, longer lasting erection, say the makers of Inchagrow. Erectile dysfunction is more common in people with circulatory problems. Hawthorn helps to counteract this by improving circulation and allowing blood to flow more easily to the penis.
Muira Puama: According to Inchagrow's makers, Muira Puama is a natural libido boost that promotes sexual arousal. Muira Puama is a plant that has been used in South America for centuries to treat sexual disorders. It's especially popular in Brazil. The wood and roots of the Muira Puama plant, also known as Amazon Viagra in some studies, have been linked to libido.
Saw Palmetto: The last two ingredients in our list are saw palmetto, and tribulus Terrestris. The saw palmetto tree can grow up to 10 feet high. The fruit of the tree saw palmetto was historically used as medicine. Saw palmetto has been used in testosterone boosters and male enhancement supplements for many years. Saw palmetto, like other ingredients in Inchagrow is supported by small studies that suggest it can improve testosterone production among men.
Tribulus Terrestris: Tribulus terrestris, also called puncture vine, is a small leafy plant. Traditional medicine uses it to treat chest pain, dizziness and skin and eye problems, among other things. In Inchagrow tribulus Terrestris serves a single purpose: boosting libido. Tribulus Terrestris is said to increase sexual drive and help you perform better when in bed.
Inchagrow increases penis size permanently?
Men who wish to increase their penis' size are offered Inchagrow. Inchagrow is taken by some men to increase their erection, while other men use it to permanently increase the size of their penis.
Officially, Inchagrow's makers advertise that the product can increase the size your erect Penis. By improving blood flow and erection, you can noticeably increase the size your erect genital penis.
Inchagrow is not a company that claims to increase penis size. However, many men have reported a noticeable increase in size after taking Inchagrow.
Inchagrow was compared by one man to jelqing - a penis stretching technique that is popular to increase size. He says he has been jelqing all his life and it added an inch to his penis. According to the review of that man, his penis has grown "3.6 inches" after taking Inchagrow. He is worried about "getting too big."
Inchagrow has been reported to produce similar results in other men. They have seen a noticeable increase in their penis' length, width, and size within a few weeks after taking it for the first.
There's no proof that a nutritional supplement will permanently increase your penis size - and especially not by more than 2 to 4 inches. The right supplement can increase the size your erect genitals by optimizing blood circulation and boosting libido.
Inchagrow: Scientific Evidence
Inchagrow's makers cite over 15 scientific studies in order to support the ingredients of the formula. Johns Hopkins University, UCLA, Sutter Health and the International Society for Sexual Medicine were among those who conducted these studies. These studies focused on the ingredients of Inchagrow. The studies did not include the Inchagrow formula. Below, we'll examine the evidence.
Numerous studies have linked Tribulus Terrestris with higher testosterone levels. Many of these studies, however, were small. A review found, for instance, that tribulus terrestris had been advertised to be a testosterone booster, and a remedy for erectile dysfunction. Researchers reviewed the evidence and discovered that tribulus contains several components which could increase testosterone in men. These include alkaloids, and steroidal glucosesides. Both of these are naturally found in Inchagrow. Researchers found that despite the presence of these components, more research is needed to confirm the safety and effectiveness of tribulus.
According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, was palmetto extraction is often used as a natural treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia. A review did not find a significant difference between saw-palmetto extract and placebo. This review included 5,666 men in 32 randomized controlled studies. BPH is often accompanied by erectile and sexual dysfunction.
Inchagrow contains many ingredients that are considered natural sexual stimulants. They increase your desire for sex. Researchers found that ingredients such as Muira Puama have a long-standing history of being used by both men and woman as natural aphrodisiacs. In one study, researchers found that Muira Puama, when combined with L citrulline, an amino acid popular among men and women, effectively treated erectile dysfunction. Researchers found that some natural ingredients also worked in a way similar to PDE5 inhibiters. L-arginine is a good example of a natural ingredient that works similarly to PDE-5 inhibitors. It increases blood flow. Viagra is probably the most well-known PDE5 inhibitor. Inchagrow contains no L-arginine.
In general, the ingredients of Inchagrow do not increase your penis size - whether it's flaccid or firm - as claimed on the official site. Some herbal compounds may increase blood flow and libido. This could make it easier to erect, adding a small amount to the size of your penis. The makers of Inchagrow do not provide any proof that the supplement will increase your penis size in a significant way, either temporarily or permanently.
Inchagrow reviews: What do customers say?
Online, you can find many male enhancement products that make similar claims as Inchagrow. Not all of these products are supported by real customer reviews.
Inchagrow strives to be different. According to its official website, Inchagrow has received an average rating out of five stars based on more than 16,200 reviews. Inchagrow is one of the most popular male enhancement products ever sold online. This makes Inchagrow one of the top-rated male enhancement supplements.
Check out some of our verified customer reviews:
Inchagrow has reportedly helped one man add 3.6" to the size of his penis. He now recommends it to anyone looking to grow their penis. In fact, the man is now worried that he will "get too big" due to Inchagrow.
Inchagrow has allegedly given a man greater confidence, and transformed him into a new person. He has since earned a promotion, and is well on his way to living the life of his dream.
Inchagrow is the first male enhancement supplement to be recommended by a medical professional, according to a man who claims that a doctor prescribed it. The neighbor of that man is an urologist who claims to have "transformed" into an African after taking Inchagrow, based on his penis size.
Inchagrow was described by another man as a "quality product" because it increased his penis size by 3.8". It also lasted longer.
Inchagrow has also been claimed to be beneficial for men who claim they have gained energy, lost weight and experienced other benefits. One man claimed to have lost 6lbs by taking Inchagrow.
Inchagrow Pricing
According to the official website, Inchagrow retails at $179 a bottle. Inchagrow's makers have reduced the price of the bottle to $69 as part of the 2023 promotion. Ordering 3 or 6 bottles will allow you to save even more.
How pricing works
- 1 Bottle $69 plus shipping
- 3 bottles: $177 (59 $ per bottle) + free US shipping
- 6 bottles: $294 (49 cents per bottle) + free US shipping
Inchagrow is available in 60 capsules per bottle, which is 30 servings. Two capsules are taken daily to increase your penis size. Men report that they notice a significant increase in the size of their penis within the first couple weeks after using the supplement. The results continue to improve over the next few months.
Inchagrow Bonuses Included
All 3 and 6 bottles of Inchagrow purchased as part of the 2023 promotion come with two bonus eBooks.
You will receive two eBooks as a bonus when you purchase the Inchagrow 3 or 6 bottle package.
Free eBook Bonus #1: Natural Penis Enhancement - Master Manual There is a natural way to increase your penis. Men may use jelqing, for instance. Some men take supplements. Others use strange extension devices to enlarge their penis. In this eBook, Inchagrow separates the noise from science and explains some of the most effective natural penis enlargement methods.
Bonus eBook No. 2: Seven Hot Tips to Become a Sexual Genius: The eBook contains many practical tips for improving your performance in bed. These tips can be implemented as early as tonight. The eBook will guide you step-by-step through improving your sexual function, whether you are looking for scientifically proven ways to increase orgasm intensity in women or strategies to overcome sexual dysfunction.
Inchagrow Policy on Refunds
You can get a full refund if Inchagrow doesn't increase your penis size, testosterone levels or improve your libido within 60 days. Inchagrow offers a 60-day, 100% moneyback warranty with no questions asked. The manufacturer will deduct shipping and handling charges from your refund.
Inchagrow Research
Inchagrow, a brand of supplement that operates under the same name, is manufactured by Inchagrow Research. Inchagrow Research manufactures Inchagrow at an FDA-registered plant that adheres to GMP standards.
Contact Inchagrow's Customer Service team by using the following methods:
- Email:
- Mailing Address: 924 N Magnolia Ave, Suite 202, Unit #5383, Orlando, FL 32803
Arnold Scott is the man who created Inchagrow. Arnold Scott, who is neither a nutritionist nor a doctor, conducted extensive research in order to discover the perfect formula for male enhancement. According to the official site, a man was told about Inchagrow by a urologist. This would make Inchagrow an approved male enhancement supplement.
Final Word
Inchagrow, a nutritional product with a blend natural ingredients that are linked to sexual wellness and health, is an effective supplement.
Inchagrow's makers don't only design their supplement to boost libido or sex desire: they advertise it specifically as a means of increasing the size of your genital organs.
Inchagrow is a supplement that has been proven to increase penis size by 2" to 4". The supplement has received over 16,000 reviews with an average rating of 4,93 out of 5 stars.