Gluco Guard Pro supports healthy blood sugar levels.
By taking two capsules a day of Gluco Guard Pro, you are able to target the source of diabetes, namely fats in your pancreas and liver.
Is Gluco Guard Pro legit? Can Gluco Guard Pro help diabetes and blood sugar levels? In our review, you will find everything you need about Gluco Guard Pro.
What is Gluco Guard Pro?
Gluco Guard Pro, a nutritional product marketed primarily for people with type-2 diabetes.
The supplement is only available online at It contains a combination of natural ingredients which could make you immune to diabetes.
Gluco Guard Pro contains a number of ingredients sourced from Siddi tribes in the Gir Forest in India. This tribe has virtually no history of type-2 diabetes. The makers of Gluco guard Pro collected a bunch of natural ingredients that were used by this tribe as a form of natural medicine. Gluco guard pro is a daily supplement that contains these natural ingredients.
Gluco Guard Pro will be priced at $69 a bottle during a promotion in 2023. Ordinary retail price for a bottle is $147. All purchases are eligible for free shipping as part of the 2023 promotion.
Gluco Guard Pro Benefits
According to the manufacturer, Glucoguard Pro offers the following benefits:
- Increase blood sugar levels in days
- The program was developed by Professor Roy Taylor. He is one of the leading experts in the world on type 2 diabetes.
- To eliminate diabetes, burn excess fat from your liver and pancreas.
- The 19 best ingredients for your kitchen, backed by science
- Supports energy, sleep, mood and appetite control.
- 180 day moneyback guarantee
How Does Gluco Guard Pro Work?
On the official Gluco Guard Pro site, you can read testimonials of customers who significantly reduced their A1C and blood sugar after using this supplement. How does Gluco Guard Pro function? Can Gluco Guard Pro help diabetics improve their insulin control and lower blood sugar?
Gluco Guard Pro is the brainchild of Professor Roy Taylor. He specializes in research on type 2 diabetes. According to the makers, Professor Roy Taylor "is one of the world's foremost authorities on type-2 diabetes."
Professor Taylor created Gluco Guard Pro to address the root cause of blood glucose imbalances, which is fat accumulation in your liver.
When fat accumulates in the liver, it travels to your pancreas where it interferes with insulin production. Your body struggles to maintain blood sugar balance when it can't make insulin.
Gluco Guard Pro removes excess fat from your pancreas and liver. According to the manufacturer, by taking two capsules daily of Gluco Guard Pro "your blood glucose levels will improve in days."
The makers of Gluco Guard Pro have such confidence in the product that they guarantee a lower blood glucose level. If you do not see a significant reduction in your blood sugar or improvement in your overall health, you can ask for a full refund.
Gluco Guard Pro targets the root cause of blood sugar problems: fat in the pancreas
Research suggests that diet, lifestyle, genetics and exercise are the main causes of diabetes.
According to Professor Roy Taylor however, these are not the causes for diabetes. The root cause of diabetes, however, is fat which accumulates in the liver and then travels to the pancreas.
By taking Gluco Guard Pro every day, you can easily eliminate fat from your liver and pancreas. This will make it easier for each organ perform its functions.
According to the makers, those with diabetes and blood sugar imbalances could see a significant improvement in their blood sugar levels within days after taking the supplement.
Gluco Guard Pro can also be sold to those who have had diabetes for a long time, from a few months to a few years. According to Professor Taylor, losing just 1g of pancreatic fat can help diabetics who have had the disease for more than a decade.
Cinnamon, for instance, is one of the key ingredients in Gluco Guard Pro because it has been proven to aid with fatty liver. Professor Taylor and his colleagues cite as proof a 2014 report that showed cinnamon could improve lipid profiles and liver enzymes. It also improved insulin resistance and inflammation.
Gluco Guard Pro is a powerful tool that can help you "make high blood glucose and insulin resistance a distant memory."
Gluco Guard Pro Ingredients
Gluco Guard Pro is a blend of 19 carefully selected ingredients that target fat accumulation in the liver and pancreas. This helps eliminate the cause of blood sugar imbalances.
Some of these ingredients have been designed specifically to burn fat. Some of these ingredients are specifically designed to balance blood glucose in another way.
According to the manufacturer, here are the active ingredients of Gluco Guard Pro.
Cinnamon: cinnamon is present in many natural diabetes formulas and blood sugar support supplements. The natural ingredient is used in traditional medicine to treat blood sugar for centuries. Cinnamon has an added benefit in Gluco Guard Pro: It can reduce the fat that accumulates on your liver and major organs. Cinnamon is one of the key ingredients in Gluco Guard Pro because it promotes healthy cholesterol levels, inflammation and blood sugar.
Leaf Extract of Gymnema Sylvestre: The leaf extract of Gymnema silvestre is used in Indian traditional medicine. Gymnema Sylvestre, a plant that is known as an energy booster has shown promising results in supporting healthy blood sugar levels for type 2 diabetics. In a 1990 study for instance, gymnema extract was linked to a significant improvement in blood sugar balance among diabetics.
Lagerstroemia speciosa: Lagerstroemia speciesa, or Lythraceae as it is also known, is native of Southeast Asia where its use in traditional medicine has a long tradition. Banaba is the name we use today for this plant. Banaba leaf extract is used in many diabetes supplements to promote healthy blood sugar levels and balance. Banaba leaf is a natural extract that has its effects due to a molecule called corosolic acids found in the leaves of the plant. This molecule seems to have anti-diabetic properties.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid: Alpha-Lipoic acid, also known as the "universal antioxident", is an antioxidant that appears to have a positive impact on health and wellbeing throughout the entire body. Most people know it for its effect on blood sugar and diabetes. As a daily supplement, many diabetics consume alpha lipoic acids. Alpha lipoic has been linked to specific benefits for people with type 2 diabetics. Researchers found that insulin sensitivity improved in patients with type-2 diabetes after taking an alpha lipoic supplement.
15 Additional Ingredients: Gluco Guard Pro's makers provide little information upfront about the ingredients, dosages or concentrations. We do know that the formula contains 19 ingredients, including the four above as well as 15 other ingredients associated with healthy blood sugar.
What to Expect after Taking Gluco Guard PRO
Blood sugar supplements typically claim that they help maintain normal blood sugar levels, or keep blood sugar in a healthy range.
The makers of Gluco Guard Pro, however, claim that their formula can actually increase blood glucose and support other benefits.
According to the official website, here are some results that you can expect when taking Gluco Guard Pro:
Improve your blood sugar within days: The official Gluco Guard Pro site claims that the supplement burns away the excess fat from the liver and pancreas. This will cause blood sugar to "improve in days."
Maintain healthy blood glucose levels: Gluco Guard Pro also claims to improve healthy blood sugar. Gluco Guard Pro, on the other hand, is marketed to be a long-term alternative.
Reduce blood glucose spikes: According to the manufacturer, this supplement is able to "reduce blood glucose spikes." A diabetic's blood sugar level will typically spike after a meal, or when they consume too much sugar or carbohydrates. Gluco Guard Pro is claimed to reduce spikes.
Protect against insulin resistance: The natural ingredients in Gluco Guard Pro can help you protect against high blood glucose.
Attack fat accumulation on the liver and pancreas: According to the makers of Gluco Guard Pro Gluco Guard Pro, fat on your pancreas or liver is the root cause of high blood sugar levels. This fat can make it difficult for your pancreas and liver to naturally balance blood sugar.
Who is the creator of Glucoguard Pro?
Professor Roy Taylor is the creator of Glucoguard Pro. According to his official website, Taylor is considered one of the foremost experts on type 2 diabetics in the world, indicating he has formal medical or scientific experience.
Professor Taylor teamed up with David Miller to create Glucoguard Pro. David Miller had seen his mother suffer from a severe type 2 diabetes. David began researching natural remedies for type 2 diabetics after observing his mother's blood sugar out of control.
In a nutshell, David Miller and Professor Taylor met to discuss their research. The two researchers discovered a number of natural ingredients that reduce the symptoms of type 2 diabetics and attack their root cause.
David gave Gluco Guard Pro a mother who was suffering from diabetes. She miraculously recovered. David was inspired by the success of his mother's treatment and decided to spread Glucoguard Pro around the world.
Professor Taylor and David Miller produce Gluco Guard Pro in an FDA registered, GMP certified facility in the United States. According to the official site, over 16,500+ Americans are already using the supplement to target their blood sugar.
What is "Strange Indian Ritual Behind Gluco Guard Pro"?
Professor Roy Taylor and David Miller developed Gluco Guard Pro based upon a "strange Indian ceremony."
Gluco Guard Pro contains many ingredients that have been used for centuries in Indian traditional medicine.
Taylor met a Siddi tribe of Indian natives in the Gir Forest. The Siddi tribe had a virtually diabetes-free population.
Siddi people are active, eat a healthy diet and have low obesity rates. All of these factors can help reduce diabetes risk.
Professor Taylor discovered that Siddis took certain herbs and plants daily to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, and reverse type 2 diabetics.
Professor Taylor first identified the ingredients of the remedy and then tested them in the United States. Today, you can purchase these ingredients as Gluco Guard Pro.
Gluco Guard Pro: Scientific Evidence
Professor Roy Taylor, one of the leading experts on type 2 diabetics in the world, developed Gluco Guard Pro. This gives the supplement a more medical and scientific legitimacy than many other diabetes supplements available online, which are often created by marketing teams using low-quality ingredients.
Professor Taylor and his colleagues cite over 20 studies as proof that the ingredients in Gluco Guard Pro work. We will review this evidence and other sources to determine the science of Gluco Guard Pro, and whether or not it can help people with type-2 diabetes manage their condition.
The manufacturer cites a study from 2009 which showed that cinnamon improved the symptoms of type 2 diabetics. Researchers gave cinnamon or placebos to patients with diabetes or without. Researchers found that cinnamon reduced after-meal blood glucose levels significantly. It is a natural formula without any apparent side effects.
One reason cinnamon may have anti-diabetic properties is because a separate study discovered that hydroxychalcone – a natural compound within cinnamon – "functions as an insulin mimetic" in some parts of the human body. A 2014 Study cited in the makers of Gluco Guard Pro found that cinnamon can help reduce cholesterol and fatty-liver disease, which according to Professor Taylor is the cause of many type 2 diabetics.
Gluco Guard Pro was inspired by the traditional Indian medicine practices. Gymnema Sylvestre is a popular ingredient in Indian traditional medicine. It has been used for centuries as a natural energy boost. The makers of Gluco Guard Pro cite a study from 1990 that links Gymnema sylvestre to a reduction in blood sugar in type 2 diabetic patients. The participants took 400mg gymnema extract every day for 18-20 months, while taking their usual diabetes medications. Researchers found that those who took gymnema extract were able to repair their cells better than those taking a placebo.
Many diabetes supplements contain Banaba leaf extract to maintain healthy blood sugar. The makers of Gluco Guard Pro cite a study from 2007 that showed how banaba leaf extract improved weight loss, glucose absorption, and overall blood sugar management.
Glucoguard Pro is a combination of more than a dozen active ingredients in relatively low doses that promote better blood glucose management. The supplement may complement diabetes medications. There's no evidence that it can replace the diabetes medication prescribed by your doctor when managing your blood glucose.
Gluco Guard Pro reviews: What do customers say?
Gluco Guard Pro's official website contains testimonials of men and women who experienced a significant drop in blood sugar after taking Gluco Guard Pro.
Many customers report that they have seen their A1C improve, their blood sugar drop, and even their weight decrease after taking Gluco Guard Pro – even if their blood sugar has been an issue for many years.
Check out some of the customer reviews on the official website.
Rick Mueller, a resident of Charlotte in North Carolina, claims that he thought his high blood glucose was due to eating too much sugar and not exercising. David's advice, and the use of Glucoguard Pro, convinced him that he could reverse his high blood sugar in a matter of days.
One customer says that his A1C is "better than ever" since using Gluco Guard Pro. He is in his 60s, and has been struggling with blood sugar issues for around 15 years. He tried several natural supplements but none worked until he used Gluco Guard Pro.
The same customer says that his doctor is "absolutely speechless" at the lower A1C level. He confirmed the effects of Gluco Guard Pro to his doctor.
Gluco Guard Pro has been reported to help some customers lose significant weight. One customer says he "lost twelve pounds" after taking the supplement. His doctor had warned him of his high blood glucose at his last check-up. He has lost 12 pounds since taking Gluco Guard Pro and his blood sugar levels are now normal. Plus, he is no longer craving food.
A fluctuating blood sugar level can cause food cravings and appetite swings. Gluco Guard Pro helps people to better manage their food cravings and control their appetite.
One customer says that his blood sugar levels have "significantly decreased" since using Gluco Guard Pro. He has just begun his third bottle or third month of formula. He recommends this supplement to anyone who wants to lower their blood sugar.
Some customers take Gluco Guard Pro specifically for type 2 diabetics. One customer found that Gluco Guard Pro was "really helpful" for her mother who has diabetes.
The official Gluco Guard Pro site is full of testimonials from customers who experienced dramatic changes in weight, A1C and blood sugar levels, as well as symptoms of diabetes, after taking Gluco Guard Pro, without making any significant lifestyle or diet changes.
Gluco Guard Pro Pricing
Gluco Guard Pro will be priced at $69 a bottle during a promotion in 2023. The normal retail price per bottle is $147. You can save up to $49 per bottle , and get free eBooks when you buy multiple bottles.
How to order Gluco Guard Pro Online:
- 1 Bottle: $69 plus shipping
- 3 Bottles: $177 ($59 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 2 Free Bonuses
- 6 Bottles: $294 ($49 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 2 Free Bonuses
Each bottle contains 30 days of Gluco Guard Pro or 60 capsules. Take two capsules per day to maintain healthy blood sugar.
These two bonuses are eBooks that complement Gluco Guard Pro. These eBooks are packed with strategies, tips and tricks that you can use to naturally balance your blood sugar. After your purchase has been confirmed, you will have immediate access to the two bonus eBooks.
Gluco Guard Refund Policy
Gluco Guard Pro comes with a 180-day guarantee. If Gluco Guard Pro does not lower your blood glucose levels or improve your health in 180 days, you can ask for a full refund.
Gluco Guard Pro:
Professor Roy Taylor is the man who developed Gluco Guard Pro. According to the official Gluco Guard Pro site, Professor Taylor has been a leading authority on type 2 diabetics for many years.
Professor Taylor observed that certain Indian natural ingredients appeared to reduce blood sugar. He created a formula containing a basket containing these ingredients. Professor Taylor partnered up with a US supplement company to launch Gluco Guard Pro.
Professor Taylor and David Miller worked together to bring Gluco Guard Pro into the world. David Miller was inspired to find a cure for diabetes when he saw his mother almost die of the disease. David found Professor Taylor's work and the rest, as they say, is history.
Contact the Gluco Guard Pro makers and their customer service team by using the following contact details:
- Online Form:
- Email:
- Phone: 833-689-1007
The customer service department is open Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm PST. On Saturday and Sunday, 9am-1pm PST.
Final Word
Gluco Guard Pro contains 19 ingredients that target the cause of diabetes, namely fat accumulation in your liver and renal organs.
Diabetics can lower their blood sugar levels "in days" by taking Gluco Guard Pro.