PupTown Dog Training
Please fill out the following form to register you and your dog for an upcoming Class. Please note that you are not guaranteed a spot in class until your registration has been confirmed.
  • - -
    Best daytime number to reach you at
  • Please select which program you are interested in.
  • / /
    If not known, leave blank
  • If you are not sure, please guess.
  • Please check all that apply. For concerns not listed here, please add them to the Comments section. Thank you.
  • If you are booking training in daycare, please list your concerns here.
    I agree to the terms and conditions on this form and have read, understood and agreed to the Policies and Other Information provided on the website.

    *Please note the cancellation policy. No refunds will be given outside of the policy statement, especially once a program has commenced. You are paying for your spot in the program that runs on the selected start date. It has limited enrollment and this is the session for which you are paying for.
  • You will receive an automated email from us that includes a document to prepare you for class. Please ensure you read it thoroughly. In Kinderpuppy and Basic Level Obedience and Manners programs, there are no dogs in the first class. This is a theory class and could be up to 2 hours in length. This class is mandatory and essential the success of the program.
    You can use your mouse or touchpad to sign. Smartphones - can sign using onscreen touch.
  • If you have one that is valid, it must be entered at time of registration.
  • You will receive an automated Email. Please check your SPAM folders! This will give you the information you need for payment online and prepare you for the program.
    In the store we accept cash, credit/debit.