MTA-NEA Declaration of Candidacy
For Local Delegate to the 2025 NEA Convention
Portland, OR
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  • Biographies can be no longer than 50 words (excluding your name) and will not be edited for grammar or spelling. Only the first 50 words of your submission will be printed. If your biography is longer than 50 words it will be truncated.

    Each delegate will be expected to arrive in Portland, OR, in time to ensure registering as an official delegate to the Representative Assembly (RA) with both the California delegation and NEA.

    Each delegate will be expected to attend all caucuses of the California delegation. Normally the caucus begins at 7:00 a.m. daily. Delegates must be registered with the California delegation to participate in the caucus. Delegates are expected to remain through the convention.

    Each delegate shall attend all business meetings of the R.A.

    Each delegate is strongly encouraged to attend NEA Budget Committee hearings, Resolutions Committee hearings, Bylaw Committee hearings, speeches by prominent national figures, etc.
    Each delegate should take into consideration MTA Council policy when voting.

    Each delegate is encouraged to participate fully in all activities of the California delegation.

    Each delegate — state and local — will be expected to sit with his or her Service Center Council delegation on the RA floor or to inform the appropriate person where he or she will be seated. This is to ensure communication regarding RA business and/ or personal emergency information of concern to the delegate, as well as to verify attendance.