Excellence In Education
Florence Utilities partnered with the local school systems in 2010 to develop the Excellence in Education program. Florence Utilities facilitates contributions from our customers to the public school systems in our service area, Florence City Schools or Lauderdale County Schools. Customers who would like to voluntarily participate in the program will need to fill out the Excellence in Education form. The customer contribution amount is a recurring charge and will be added to the customer’s monthly utility bill as a separate line item. Once a month, Florence Utilities remits all of the contributions to the appropriate school system. The funds will be spent for the benefit of either the Florence City Schools or Lauderdale County Schools. Florence Utilities will not have any input on how the funds are spent by the school systems. For any changes to your contribution, please contact Florence Utilities Customer Service 256-760-6512. Neither the school system nor their employees have access to your utility account information. Thank you for your participation.
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