Diane's - Request an Estimate for Alteration
Step 1. Upload one or more photos of the garment(s) you wish to have altered, fill out this form, and press the Send button.

You will immediately receive via email easy instructions and suggestions for packing and shipping your garment to us. The email will include an address label for use on your packaging.

We'll send you a price quote as soon as we can, or ask you for more details if needed. The price quote will include all of the alteration work, shipping back to you, and all applicable taxes if any.

Step 2. If the price quote is acceptable to you, simply pay the invoice, and...

Step 3: Send the garment to us. Use a method that includes delivery confirmation. Affix to the packaged garment the label we emailed to you, and drop it off at any US Post Office, UPS or FedEx office.

We usually begin work on each order the day we receive it, and often have the altered garments on their way back to our client within 24 hours.
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    We respect your privacy. We will only call you if we have questions about your request. And we will never share your contact information with any third parties.
  • Two examples of usable images from two different tasks (one repair and one alteration). Each clearly shows (1) the tear in the fabric that needs to be repaired, and (2) the wedding dress to be adjusted, respectively. Feel free to add several photos if it will help us understand the garment you wish us to work on.
  • Tell us exactly what you would like us to do with your garment. The more details, the better. Precise instructions here mean we won't have to call you for details, and your work can be completed sooner! :)