2024 Le Tour d'Alexandria Library
Register below for our annual bicycle fun-ride from Beatley Central Library to the other Library branches including the Burke Branch, the Duncan Branch and the Barrett Branch.
The theme for this ride is “The Courage to Go for Gold.”

*Limit of 75 Riders*
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  • If you answered yes, an event organizer will contact you to provide more information.
  • Download and sign the Waiver/release liability and parental consent/release agreement. The signed waiver may be uploaded with your registration, or a physical copy may be submitted on the day of the event.

    A signed waiver is required of all participants.
    The waiver will also be provided the day of the tour.
  • Upload signed waivers here if you wish to submit electronically. Waivers can also be submitted in-person on the day of the event.
  • If participants are riding their own bike, they must be at least 13 years old and can comfortably ride 10+ miles with some hills. Younger children are permitted to attend if they are on a bicycle attached to the parent (tandem, extra cycle, trailer).
  • Emergency Contact

    Please provide the name and number of a person to contact in case of emergency.
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