Contract Agreement Between Missina Germain
Name and Business Name of Doula:
I agree to partner with Missina Germain of Womb Fruits in order to offer placenta services to my clients.
In addition to my doula service charges, I will add $195 to the selected package. This includes traditionally prepared placenta encapsulation capsules, packaging, and suggested use and storage instructions. If desired by the client, a cord keepsake and placenta broth from the steaming process will be added at no additional cost.
The options for a placenta tincture, placenta salve, and placenta art print are to be offered for an extra charge of $20 each.
The client will sign the included Womb Fruits waiver (copy to be provided by Missina Germain to the doula).
$50 of this fee will be retained by me as payment for delivering the placenta after the birth to Missina Germain (275 King St W Unit B Cobourg ON K9A 2N4) and picking up the completed items to then be delivered back to the client.
Capsules, etc will be ready 48-72 hours after receiving the placenta with the exception of a tincture which takes 6 weeks to create.
My confidence is in Missina Germain of Womb Fruits to prepare all placenta services in a sanitary workspace in accordance with International Placenta and Postpartum Association, OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens for Placenta Encapsulators, NFSTP National Food Safety and Handling, and current Health Canada protocols and guidelines.
My first and last name below are a signature to the above agreement.
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