Parent Agreement
I am requesting to review my family's student information on the Scottsbluff Public Schools Parent Portal website. By signing this agreement I, as parent/guardian, release Scottsbluff Public Schools from any and all liability for damages arising out of the unauthorized access to the Parent Portal account. I agree to abide by the Infinite Campus Parent Guardian Portal Acceptance Use Policy and understand that, for the interest of security, the District reserves the fight to change user passwords or deny access at anytime:
Parents/Guardians are required to adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Parents will not share their Paswords.
2. Parents will not attempt to harm. or destroy data of their own children, or another user, school or district network, or the Internet.
3. Parents will not use the portal for any illegal activity, including .violation of privacy laws.
4. Parents will not access data or any account owned by another parent.
5. Parents who are identified as a security risk will be denied access to the Parent Portal.
I understand that -three unsuccessful logins will disable my account. If my account becomes locked I will contact the Administration Building and request the account to be unlocked. I will provide a photo ID or other necessary information validate my identity. In the sole discretion of the District, the account may be unlocked, but I understand that it may take up to 3-5 school days to have my account unlocked.