Natal Hypnotherapy Postnatal Feedback
  • Your information is NOT given to anyone else and is only used in accordance with our privacy and data policies, to provide you the services you have requested. Please see our privacy policy
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  • Enter the name of your birth centre, hospital or for home births enter 'home'
  • If you attended an NH Hypnobirthing Class, please confirm the name of the practitioner?
  • Did not help at all Occasionally helpful Helpful some of the time Helped a lot Helpful most of the time Extremely helpful
    Feeling relaxed before the birth
    Overcoming fear
    Increased trust and belief in my body
    Feeling calm during the birth
    Ability to manage the pain
    Feeling in control
  • We love to read birth stories no matter how long or short!
  • Your information is NOT given to anyone else and is only used in accordance with our privacy and data policies, to provide you the services you have requested. Please see our privacy policy
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