Rescued Hearts Northwest - RELINQUISHMENT
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  • Pet Information

  • By entering my name and date below, (I/we) fully understand that by executing this document and delivering the above-described animal to Rescued Hearts Northwest that (I/we) hereby relinquish any and all legal and equitable rights of ownership of the above-described animal.

    (I/we) represent that (I/we) are the lawful owner(s) of, and have good title to and the right and power to gift, sell, assign, transfer, convey and deliver said animal; and that said animal is free and clear from claims of ownership or other encumbrances of any kind or nature whatsoever by any other person or entity.

    (I/we) understand that Rescued Hearts Northwest will act in the best interest of said animal in its care and placement. By assuming ownership, Rescued Hearts Northwest reserves all rights in making all decisions in regard to the animal’s care, placement and medical treatment.

    (I/we) understand that Rescued Hearts Northwest has the right to return said animal to owner if animal shows aggression in the Foster Home.

    I have answered all questions to the best of my knowledge and agree to all terms and conditions above.
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