Health Star Rating Survey
Thank you for agreeing to complete our survey. Your feedback will help inform us on how to better assist people to eat healthier. If you would like to receive a free, stylish cooler bag please opt in with your mailing details in the bottom section of the survey.

As a survey is only as good as the data it collects we do have a number of fields marked with * which must be completed we hope this is not too frustrating.

Enjoy eating healthy!
Leanne Fitzpatrick
General Manager
  • Please note that this survey is only suitable for people who live in Australia.
  • Don't Know Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
    Health Star Ratings are easy to use and understand
    Nutritional panels are easy to use and understand
    Health Star Ratings are easier to use than Nutritional Panels
    Both Health Star Ratings and Nutritional Panels are useful to evaluate food products
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