USD 373 Contact: Feedback and Questions
Please use this form to get a quick response from the district or your school. When you select a topic, your question will be sent to the people who are most able to answer your question with the most detail. Or, if you just want to share feedback, you can use it for that as well.
Please use the
Transcript Requests Form
to request a transcript from Newton High School.
Your Name
Your Email Address
Is your comment or question school specific or general district?
Please select
School Specific
General District
Please note, athletics is it's own choice after selecting "General District". If you have an athletics or activities related question, please choose this setting and not the specific school
Your Student's School
Please select
Cooper Early Ed Center
Northridge ES
Slate Creek ES
South Breeze ES
Sunset ES
Santa Fe 5/6
Chisholm Middle
Newton High School
Opportunity Academy
Your Student's Name
I need help with...
Please select
Athletics & Activities
Business Services
Food Service
Free & Reduced Applications
Human Resources
Receiving emails, phone calls or text messages from the district
Special Education
Weather Cancellations
Contacting a BOE Member
Contacting USD 373 Superintendent
To contact a board member...
please visit the
USD 373 Board of Education page
Please provide details about your question here.