You can put your real name or Captain Wookipants III, whatever you want me to call you in the post. Please, no profanity, or it will not be included. Also I won't call you Captain Wookiepants III, that's taken.
If you would like me to link to your blog or website, please include the URL here.
Let me know where I can contact you with questions about your recipe. I promise I won't email you unnecessarily, or post your email address on the site.
Name and Origin of Dish
Put the name of the dish and what geeky thing it is from here. REMEMBER: Recipes must be for a food that is actually mentioned in the source. Example: Pumpkin Pasties from Harry Potter.
Your Recipe
Remember to include ingredients, amounts and directions!
Image 1
You must include at least 1 photo of the finished dish. Recipes with no relevant photo will not be posted.
Image 2
Image 3
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