Student Recital Application Form
To get your recital registration started, just complete this form and click on the Submit Recital Application button. Be sure to remit your recital fee in order to complete your recital registration. The cost is $20 per performer per class.

Current Recital Date
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Instrument *
Title of piece to be performed *
Composer (First and Last Name) *
Title of 2nd piece to be performed (optional)
Composer of 2nd piece to be performed (First and Last Name)
Approximate Certificate Of Merit Level of piece(s) to be performed (this helps us with scheduling the student with the appropriate group. If you are not sure of the CM level for the pieces to be performed, ask your teacher): *
Current Teacher: *
 Kay Ballard 
 Lisa Kato 
 Susan High 
 Leeora Kronen 
 Leslie Sharp 
 Erika Snow 
 Dhiren Panikker 
 John Turner 
Cell or Home Phone *
Student E-mail *
I have read and agree to abide by the Recital Rules listed below. *
  I Agree 
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