Community engagement and service is an important component of the mission of the School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) and Morgan State University. This includes outreach and service to the neighborhoods surrounding Morgan State University, to the City of Baltimore, the State of Maryland, the Mid-Atlantic region, the nation, and the world. Community outreach and service are integral to the education of architects, interior designers, landscape architects, planners, and construction managers, such that they will be engaged and active citizens in their communities, in their regions and in the world at large.

The information listed below will assist the School in determining if it can meet the needs of a particular community assistance request. All approved applications will be pre-approved for a defined scope of services with a fixed end date.

Please answer the questions below and upon receipt, applications will be reviewed to determine whether the proposed project is consistent with the educational goals and mission of the School of Architecture + Planning.

Please allow 4-6 weeks for review prior to receiving a response. An application for community assistance does not guarantee that the School will be able to fulfill the request.

This form must be completed prior to engaging community collaboration for purposes of community project development and/or student internships.
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  • Project Information

  • Include nature of the project, project purpose, approximate site size geographic boundaries, activities to be undertaken, outcomes/deliverables, etc. Detailed information will help in the selection review.
  • Upload site survey, plot plan, aerial/site photos, policy documents, historical reports, other maps, comprehensive plans, infrastructure plans/CIP, etc. Detailed information will help in the selection review.
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    Start Date
  • / /
    Completion Date