Found Dogs
Use this form to report a lost or found dog. Please provide as many details as possible, as well as contact information. We will post on the GoDog List, the Meetup Message Board, the CDOG Facebook page, and any other areas where appropriate.
Lost or found?
Lost Dog
Found Dog
Dog's name
Size and color
Date when dog was lost or found
Location where dog was lost or found
City and State (provide more details below in Description)
Please provide as many details as possible that will help in returning the dog to its family.
Add photo(s) if available
File upload
You may upload a flier or printed materials, if available.
Contact information
Please provide contact information (email address, phone numbers) for readers to use to report finding or seeing a lost dog.
Your contact information
Please provide the following in case we have questions about your listing.
Your name
Your email
Please be sure to update us when a listed dog is found and returned to its family, so we can remove the listing.
Image Verification
Please enter the text from the image
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