In general terms, was the material interesting?
1 boring
2 tending towards boring
3 neither boring nor interesting
4 tending towards interesting
5 interesting
Was the amount of material appropriate?
1 too little
2 tending towards too little
3 just right
4 tending towards too much
5 too much
How difficult did you find this course compared with others?
1 easy
2 tending towards easy
3 average
4 tending towards hard
5 hard
List topics that you found particularly difficult
List topics that you found particularly easy
Other comments
How comprehensible were the lectures?
1 almost never
2 25% comprehensible
3 50% comprehensible
4 75% comprehensible
5 almost always
Were the lectures well organized?
1 never organized
2 tending towards disorganized
3 neither organized or disorganized
4 tending towards organized
5 always organized
How stimulating were the lectures?
1 never stimulating
2 tending towards never stimulating
3 neither stimulating or not stimulating
4 tending towards always stimulating
5 always stimulating
Were you able to take adequate notes?
1 never
2 tending toward never
3 sometimes
4 tending towards always
5 always
Other comments
How difficult did you find the questions?
1 easy
2 tending towards easy
3 appropriate (neither too easy or too hard)
4 tending towards hard
5 hard
How interesting did you find the questions?
1 boring
2 tending toward boring
3 neither boring nor interesting
4 tending toward interesting
5 interesting
How closely did the questions relate to your notes?
1 not closely
2 tending toward not closely
3 neither closely nor not closely
4 tending towards closely
5 closely
Other comments on Example Sheets
Were your supervisions (if you were supervised this term) adequate?
Not applicable
If no, please explain
Name of your supervisor
The Teaching Committee may wish to discover supervisors' view of the course.
Any other comments
Mention here any books or other resources that you found useful for the course.
Name and college (optional)
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