Klassic Tails Inn ~ Reservation Request Form

Pet Owners Name: *
Pet 1 Name/Information *
A Minimum Of 4 Details About Your Pet. *Example* Pets Name: Buddy / 9 yrs. / altered male / Black & White / Boston Terrier
Pet 2 Name/Information
If you are needing to book a reservation for more than 2 pets, or make multiple reservations please use the "Any Comments" section below.
Reservation Drop Off Date/Time *

Operating Hours:
Monday- Friday
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM & 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM & 3:00 PM ~ 6:00 PM
Reservation Pick Up Date/Time *

Operating Hours
Monday- Friday
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM & 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM & 3:00 PM ~ 6:00 PM
Contact Phone Number ~ Home or Cell *

e-Mail *
Confirm e-Mail *
If you have more than one dog, would you like them boarded together or in separate locations
 Seperate locations 
 Board Together 
Send Vaccine Information by simply uploading it with this online reservation. Or if you need to upload more then three separate documents
please email them directly to: theteam@klassictailsinn.com
File #1
You may also direct your Veterinary Clinic to email vaccine documents to: theteam@klassictailsinn.com
File #2
File #3
Please share any Comments or Questions:
How did you find or hear about Us?:
*Example* Returning Client, Website, Internet Search. If It Is A Friend or Veterinary Referral (Please Share Thier Name).
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