Customer Satisfaction Survey

Overall, how would you rate the product? *
 Very good 
 Very Bad 
How long have you used my products? *
 Less than a month 
 3-6 months 
 1-3 years 
 More than 3 years 
 Never used 
 Cannot remember 
What would you like to see add to my products? *
 Heritage products 
 Hardware (staples, brads,) 
 Masculine kits 
 Desktop Calendars 
 Commercial Use 
Would you recommend our product to other people? *
 Not Sure 
 Probably Not 
 Definitely Not 

Additional Information (Optional)

Are the previews to my products satisfactory? If not, why not? Any suggestions are welcome.
Are there any other things you would like to see in my store? Describe below.
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