Website Booking Form
Prefered hire date:
Items you would like to Hire:
Do you require staffing?
Staffing is charged at £20, per person, per hour
Do you require a Generator?
Optional Extras:
No Thanks - I do not require any optional extras Yes - Collection after 7pm - Extra £30 Yes - Overnight Hire/ Collect next morning- Extra £30 Yes - Special offer - 50% discount on 2nd days hire Special Offers only available when delivered at the same time as your other items ordered above.
Full Name:
Address - Line 1:
Address - Line 2:
Address - Town:
Address - Postcode:
Telephone number - Mobile:
Telephone number - Home:
Email Address:
Venue/ Event Address - Line 1:
Venue/ Event Address - Line 2:
Venue/ Event Town:
Venue/ Event Postcode:
The item(s) will be:
Outdoors Indoors This ensures we bring the correct anchorage & safety mats if required.
What surface are the items to be erected on?
Grass area Gravelled surface Hard Surface (Smooth) Hard Surface (Rough) A mixture of the above This ensures we bring the correct anchorage & safety mats if required.
Whats the access to your event area like?
Guidence Notes for selecting time slots:
Please bear in mind when completing the section below, that most items
take around 30 minutes to erect. The EXACT time information also allows
us to select an appropriate delivery/ collection time should your preffered
slot be unavailable, ensuring that we are NEVER late for your event.
Prefered delivery time:
Prefered collection time:
How did you hear about Funbounce Entertainments?
Guidence Notes for selecting Payment Methods:
Payment terms & conditions: Cash paymnents are
accepted but must be made on delivery, cash on
collection is not a valid option. Cheques are
accepted at least 7 days in advance of the event
and must be posted to Funbounce Unit 8, Topcliffe Lane, Topcliffe Lane, Morley Leeds, LS27 0HL. Cheques are not accepted on delivery. Bacs
transfer is accepted upto 2 days in advance of the
event. Paypal payments are accepted upto 24hrs in
advance. Our paypal address is Please ensure that your
name, address and event date are clearly stated in
the message to seller box. Purchase orders are
accepted in advance of the event and it is
recomended (Although not compulsary) that your
purchase order is attached in the file upload
secton below
Prefered Payment Method:
Cash on delivery Cheque in advance Bacs transfere Paypal payment Purchase Order
Exact start time of your event:
Exact finish time of your event:
Or time you have to be out of the venue:
Have you already been quoted?
If so, who by and how much were you quoted: