Fare Network
Application form to become a Fare match day observer for 2014/15 Season

To apply to become a Fare match day observer, please complete and submit this form by 01 June 2014.

All information supplied here is done so in strict confidentiality. We will not share any of your personal details with any third parties.

Please note that this is a restricted call for additional recruitment of Fare match day observers to strengthen capacity of the system in specific countries. Only applicants with expertise in the following coutries are eligible to apply:

- Belarus
- Bulgaria
- Czech Republic
- Georgia
- Italy
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- Spain
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Ukraine

In case you have participated in the Fare observer scheme in 2013-14 football season and received training, you do not need to apply again.
  • Personal Details

  • / /
  • / /
  • 1.
  • Availability

  • Technical Equipment

    The Fare match day observer role requires using some technical equipment to record possible incidents and reporting back to Fare.

  • Expertise

  • Motivation