49 Writers Course Proposal Form
We appreciate your interest in teaching for 49 Writers. Before submitting, please review our Instructor Guidelines on the website.

Instructors wanting to teach in the fall (September-November) should submit their course proposals by June 15. Instructors who wish to teach in the spring (February-April) should submit their course proposals by November 15. Please complete a separate proposal, by term, for each course you want to teach.

We’ll respond to your course proposal by the end of June (for fall) or the end of November (for spring). When selecting courses, we take a variety of factors into consideration to ensure a balanced curriculum: genre, format, topic, and instructional style. We may suggest revisions to your proposal to make the course a better fit. If we’re unable to offer the course in the term you propose, you are welcome to submit for a different term.
  • While we remain flexible, our course offerings typically fit into one of three categories: 1) Elements courses (6-8 hours); 2) Genre-based workshops (12-15 hours); and 3) Special topics (single session of 2-3 hours). Our students prefer evenings and weekends and courses that last less than six weeks.

    Elements courses include cross-genre topics like character, voice, narrative structure, point of view, description, beginnings, revision, and narrative time. Workshops are by genre, alternating between fundamentals classes for emerging writers and workshops exploring advanced techniques. In workshops, students draft and revise within their genres. While we hope all our courses are engaging and fun, our special topics courses, with an exploratory bent, are intended to be especially so. We strive to balance course offerings each term with regard to length, type, and genre.
  • 150 words or less; see our website or Instructor Guidelines for samples.
  • 150 words or less; see website or Instructor Guidelines for details. Omit this field if your bio is already on file with us.
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