Contact Name: *
Contact Email: *
Event Title: *
Event Date(s): *
Event Location: *
Event Website *
Which following services are you interested in for your event? *
 Event Recording services only  
 Event Recording and Live Web Streaming 
 Event Recording, Live Web Streaming, and Promo Video(s) 
How many cameras does your event require in each location?
Multiple cameras allow for additional footage of the audience, including audience participation during Q&A sessions, close-up and medium shots of the presenters, etc.
 1 Camera per room 
 2 Cameras per room 
 3 or more cameras per room 
 Please provide a quote for both 1 camera and 2 cameras per room 
Of your listed event date(s), how many days would you like video production services? *
 1 Day 
 2 Days 
 3 Days 
 4 Days 
 5 or more Days 
How many locations at your event would utilize our services? *
 1-Location (1 Main room w/ multiple presenters) 
 Multiple Rooms Simultaneously. (Additional video production teams) 
If you are interested in multiple rooms, how many rooms would you like recorded? *
 N/A only need video production in 1 location 
 2 Rooms (Video production in 2 locations simultaneously) 
 3 Rooms (Video production in 3 locations simultaneously) 
 4 Rooms (Video production in 4 locations simultaneously) 
 5 Rooms (Video production in 5 locations simultaneously) 
 6 Rooms (Video production in 6 locations simultaneously) 
 7 or more Rooms 
What is the estimated amount of recording in each room, per day? *
 4 hours or less 
 5 - 6 hours  
 7 - 8 hours 
 More than 8 hours 
What is the method your Presenters will use to project their slides? *
 Presenters personal laptop 
 Presenters provide a PowerPoint or Keynote file to our main computer 
 A combination of both 
Does your organization collect presenter slides? *
How soon after the completion of your event would you like to receive the fully edited videos? (Expedited delivery does increase estimate) *
 Immediately, within 24 hours after our event 
 1 week after the event 
 2 weeks after the event 
 1 month after the event 
 We can wait more than 1 month for the videos 
What additional services are you interested in learning more about? *
 Video file delivery via email/downloads to attendees 
 Charging Webcast viewers a fee to generate additional revenue 
 Not interested in anything additional for this event 
How many attendees do you expect for your event? *
Please list/describe any requirements or requests that may be unique to your event.
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