Excused Absence Form
Excused Absences Submission for Teleclass Students
Welcome again on board this wonderful journey. We are delighted to have you join us.
Please submit the dates you definitely will not be in class as well as the dates you feel there is a chance you may not be in class so that you are not scheduled for in-class coaching on those dates.
Classes must be made up by listening to the Class Playback and completing the Class Recap Form.
Course Name (please use CPC, CCMC, or ICF):
Course Start Date (please use format 00/00/0000):
Course Dates You Will Definitely Not Be In Attendance
(These will be entered as Excused Absences and you will not be scheduled to coach or be coached in class on these days)
Course Dates You May Not Be In Attendance
(These will be noted so that you are not scheduled to coach or be coached on these days. But these days will not be noted as excused absences. If you end up needing to be absent on these days you must email letting us know. )