TinkerLab P5 SA1 Revision Sessions

Name of Student *
Tuition Class in Tinkerlab
Please pick the weekly session you have been attending in Tinkerlab

Parent's/ Guardian's Particulars

Relationship to Student *
Name *
Contact Number *
Other Contact Number
E-mail *
Please indicate preferred mode of contact *
 Mobile Phone 

P5 Science Sessions

Sessions Closed

Terms and Conditions

1) Minimum of 4 pupils to commence for Labour Day sessions. A confirmation e-mail or SMS will be sent by 29 Apr 2013 (Mon) to inform you of the Labour Day session status.

2) 50% charge of session fee is payable for cancellation of the revision sessions held on Labour Day after online registration has been submitted. Kindly confirm your child's schedule prior to submission of online form.
Agreement *
 I have read the above terms and conditions in its entirety, and I understand and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 
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