Fall Registration Form
Please Select a Location
East Meadow Kings Park
Student's Name
Parent's Name
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy)
Age as of September
Returning Student New Student
How did you hear about us?
Class Information
If you are unsure which classes to register for or if your looking to move up a level please call the studio (516) 489-8795
Registration subject to verification by studio. You will be notified if selected class is not available.
Payment Options
Annual 3 Installments
Payments will be
Mailed in Made in Person PayPal Payments may be made in the form of check, money order, or cash.
* Spots will not be held for students until registration fees are paid. If payments are not received within 5 days (mail or by person) or 24 hours (paypal) of submitting this form, the registration will be discarded.
** An insurance release form and photo permission slip, which can be found on our website, can be e-mailed, mailed or dropped off.
Please review the following and initial below
All tuition payments are due at registration, December 1st, and March 1st. There is a grace period up to the 10th of the month.
Any payments received after the of 15th of the month for any reason (including illness, studio closings, or absences) will be subject to a $10 late fee. Payments can be made in person, via mail, via credit card online or PayPal (accounts@thenydancersstudio.com). Late fees will not be waived for any reason
Registration fee, tuition, and costume payments are non-refundable and non-transferable to other siblings, students, or classes under any circumstances
Bounced checks are subject to a $25 service fee
Accounts with payments three months overdue will be removed from the class roster
Payments made after May 15th must be made by credit card, via our website/PayPal, or cash
Recital tickets are general admission and must be paid in cash, no exceptions
All costume payments must be made by the 1st of November. No exceptions
Costume payments can be made at registration for $85
Costume payments received after registration will be $95
There is a $50 recital fee due March 1st, which includes a link to both recital shows so the recital can be downloaded on any computer, phone, ipad, etc.
Will you be placing your costume payment at this time?
Yes No
Costumes will not be distributed until all outstanding balances are paid
Students will be measured for costumes in class during the month of November. Parents are required to sign a costume size acknowledgement contract before a costume can be ordered
Would you like to request a size now?
Yes No
If yes, what size?
Costume size charts will be e-mailed home for parents interested in measuring and requesting their own size.
All exchanges will be subject to a $20 exchange fee. No exceptions
All reminders, memos and event information will be sent via the e-mail address provided and email address changes should be reported to the studio ASAP to ensure updates are received
Parents should notify the studio ASAP if they do not plan on continuing lessons
Tuition reminders are sent as a courtesy, we are not responsible for e-mails that are spammed, deleted, not checked or changed addresses. Payments are due the first class of the month whether you have received the reminder or not
Contact the studio within the first month if you have not received the opening memo
All information can be found on our website at www.nydancersstudio.com
Your child will only be guaranteed one show if they take only one class. Though we try our best, if students are in more than one class or have siblings we cannot guarantee you will be in one show. Shows may not be requested
I have read and understand the above information (please sign full name below)
Note this is your electronic signature. By signing your name here you understand and agree to the above terms. You will be held responsible for following these policies.