WWW.RGCLAN.NET Clan Application
Join the Baddest Ass Clan in HALO. EASY, fill out the app, join our Forums, then visit us in our Team Speak Channel. Thats it, and your a fighting member of the RGCLAN.
What is your Email Address
THIS MUST BE VALID!!!!!!We need this to communicate to you about your application, and we never sell, or give it to anybody!!
You must have TEAM SPEAK, then come to our team speak at
Go here to get it:
Then JOIN our Team Speak!!!
Did you do this?
What name do you want to use in the «RG»Clan
You can only use 7 characters after «RG»
How old are you?
Minimum age is 12
What Clans have you been in, or are in now?
Did you read the rules at the bottom of the Join RG page and do you understand them?
What Country OR City and State do you live in?
What name(s) have you used in the RG Servers?
You do understand that we are a NO CHEAT, NO HACK, NO CUSS and A FAIR PLAY CLAN!!!!
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