♥Gorgeous-i Lens♥'s Survey Form

Overall, how would you rate the products? *
 Very good 
 Very Bad 
How long have you used our product? *
 Less than a month 
 3-6 months 
 more than 1 year 
 Never used 
 Cannot remember 
How often do you change the lenses? *
 Every 2-3 months 
 more than 3 months 
Would you recommend our product to other people? *
 Not Sure 
 Probably Not 
 Definitely Not 
Do you satisfied with the current selling price of our products? *
If the market outside is selling very cheap like maybe RM10+~RM20 (i mean other brands) for the color lenses, will you still support our products? *
 Depends on ♥Gorgeous-i Lens♥'s selling price 
How much is the reasonable price range of our products for you? *
 RM30 free pos express 
 RM30 free pos laju 
 RM25 free pos laju 
You can fill in the price range which you feel is reasonable in the "Other:" session too. Thanks♥

Additional Information (Optional)

What was your favorite series among our products?
What was your least favorite series about our products?
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