Nominated Organization Name *
Middle / High School / College / University Name *
Organization Address *
Street Address *
Address Line 2
City *
State / Province / Region *
Postal / Zip Code *
Country *
Student Contact Name *
First *
Last *
Position in Group *
Graduation Year *
Student Address *
Street Address *
Address Line 2
City *
State / Province / Region *
Postal / Zip Code *
Country *
Student Email *
Student Phone Number *

Advisor Name *
First *
Last *
Position at school/college *
Advisor Address *
Street Address *
Address Line 2
City *
State / Province / Region *
Postal / Zip Code *
Country *
Advisor Email *
Advisor Phone Number *

Statement of Nomination *
In 150 word of less, describe why your GSA deserves to named as one of Iowa's Best Gay-Straight Alliances.
Documentation of Successive Lines of Leadership *
Any successful organization insures that its programs and resources will continue on. To the extent possible; please provide a list of students (with contact information) who are assuming leadership for your GSA next year.
Criteria for Selection: Education (desribe your GSAs education efforts) *
Each application will be evaluated based on the following five categories: Education, Programming, Advocacy, Outreach, and Community Service.

Here are some examples to give you a better idea what each category may consist of. You are in no way restricted by the examples on this list. If you have any questions please contact Iowa Pride Network.

Education Examples: Examine your current school curriculum or college classes and make sure there are fair and accurate representations of LGBT people in you classes. Use days of action to educate students and faculty members about LGBT issues. Talk with teachers and professors; see if they will offer your meetings and events as extra credit to their classes (perfect for Education Majors).
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Please upload examples of your GSAs Educational Efforts (Uploads are not required but strengthen your application)
Criteria for Selection: Programming (describe your GSAs programming efforts) *
Programming Examples: Make sure your meetings are inclusive, educational, and fun! Invite guest speakers to present at your regular meetings, use your meetings to build an anti-racist GSA or make sure your group is Trans inclusive. Participate in known days of action like Day of Silence, Iowa GSA Day, LGBT History Month, Ally Week, World AIDS Day, Transgender Day of Remembrance, National Coming Out Day, TransAction Day, etc.
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Please upload examples of your GSAs Programming Efforts (Uploads are not required but strengthen your application)
Criteria for Selection: Advocacy (describe your GSAs advocacy efforts) *
Advocacy Examples: Write to your legislators about issues that are relevant to your group or college/school. Host events where you can educate your campus about the marginalized identities in our community. Show films, host guest speaks and panels to discuss LGBTQIA people of color, bisexuality, the transgender community, homeless LGBT youth, etc…
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Please upload examples of your GSAs Advocacy Efforts (Uploads are not required but strengthen your application)
Criteria for Selection: Outreach (describe your GSAs outreach efforts) *
Outreach Examples: Help local colleges and schools start a GSA! Network with local high school and college LGBT groups; provide resources and support for local groups and help them become more sustainable. Work with local high schools and middle schools to make sure the Iowa Safe Schools Law is being implemented in their school; help them create their own safe space training for faculty and students.
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Please upload examples of your GSAs Outreach Efforts (Uploads are not required but strengthen your application)
Criteria for Selection: Community Service (describe your GSAs community service efforts) *
Community Service Examples: Host an event on campus to raise awareness for a good cause! Use the event to collect money, food, or supplies for a local food pantry, homeless shelter, or another organization or cause. Help make your school more green friendly! Volunteer your GSA to pick up trash, or plant trees and plants in the community.
Upload a File
Please upload examples of your GSAs Community Service Efforts (Uploads are not required but strengthen your application)
Organization's Website or Facebook Page
Application Completion Date *

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