Local Government Wireless Facilities Siting Survey
Please complete this form to help NLC and its partners formulate comments on the recent Federal Communications Commission Public Notice on wireless facilities siting. Please add your responses no later than Friday, January 27.
If possible, please work with those city staff responsible for wireless permitting to gather this information.
What changes, if any, has your city made to its wireless facility siting application process in the past several years, to accommodate changes in federal/state regulations or the wireless industry?
For example: new ordinances, changes to application structure or process, staffing changes, or checklists/other resources provided to developers?
What elements make a wireless facility application more difficult to process?
For example, are applications incomplete, and if so, what is usually missing? Are proposed sites in locations with a substantial potential effect on aesthetics or public safety?
What could developers do differently to improve the wireless facility siting process in your community?
Alternately, what are the providers in your community doing well that should be duplicated elsewhere?
Is there anything else we should know? You can also upload sample documents or other materials you would like to share through this form.
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If you are interested in receiving template comments from NLC to use in your own submission, please provide your contact information.