Form 3: Bridging Lanka Volunteer Placement Details
Congratulations and welcome on board!

Your volunteer placement with Bridging Lanka in Mannar is getting closer. Now we need more detailed information about you and your travel plans to make your stay comfortable and effective.

Please complete the fields where you have relevant information to hand.
When submitting this form, you will need to either:

- Complete as many parts of this form at the one time and click on 'Submit', or
- Click on 'Save & Resume' then return to complete at a later time.

To complete this form, you will need the following:

1. Confirmed return ticket to enter into Sri Lanka;

2. An address in Sri Lanka.
If staying in Colombo: the name and address of a hotel, guesthouse or other accommodation.
If coming directly to Mannar: "Hendro Illam, Olaithoduwai Road,. Olaithoduwai, Pesalai,. Mannar 41000";

3. Valid 30 day entry visa. A fast online visa is available from
Do not apply for a visa anywhere else as other sources may be unreliable.
A visa can be extended for up to six months in Colombo. For “purpose of visit”, select option for “sightseeing or holidaying” or “visiting friends and relatives”.

4. Travel insurance - you will require cover for the entire period in Sri Lanka. One option is World Nomads - but we recommend that you seek advice for insurance specific to your needs.
You will be asked to sign a form to authorise Bridging Lanka to contact your travel insurance provider on your behalf if for any reason you are unable to do so.

5. Seek advice from a health professional on any vaccinations and medications you may need.

6. Paid the AU$250 (waged) or AU$150 (unwaged) fee to cover the cost of BL staff and office support during your stay. You can transfer this amount to the BL account ahead or pay cash on arrival.
Name: Bridging Lanka Ltd
Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB: 063010
Account No.: 11837067
Please add your name and 'admin' in the description.

Your personal information will only be used by Bridging Lanka to arrange your volunteer placement and will not be given to a third party.

If you need any further information, please contact us at or check out our website
  • Section 1: Your contact details while in Sri Lanka

  • Enter exactly as shown on your passport
  • Include country code for all phone numbers
    e.g. for Australia +61 and remove first 0
    Example +61 423 567 890
  • (If you already have one - otherwise you can arrange a phone and/or local sim card on arrival.)
  • Section 2: Your travel details

  • Passport Number
    Country of Issue
    Place of Issue
  • / /
  • / /
  • / /
  • / / :
  • / / :
  • You need a visa for arrival to Sri Lanka - please confirm with your travel agent, Sri Lankan government resources or contact us for more information.
    We strongly recommend arranging your visa well in advance of your travel.
  • / /
  • Provider Name
    Policy Number
  • / /
  • / /
  • You will need to complete this on arrival for immigration documentation.
    If you do not have accommodation booked yet, please update Bridging Lanka before departure.
  • Section 3: Your placement in Mannar

    Bridging Lanka will use this information to confirm volunteer accommodation, work schedules, tourism and other logistics. If travel plans change, please advise us so that we can ensure we are ready for your arrival.
  • / /
  • / /
    Please add at least the expected dates according to your plans.
  • AU$250 waged or AU$150 unwaged, via bank transfer details above.
  • All rooms have fans but extra cost for A/C)

    If you are returning to Mannar and prefer a specific guesthouse, please add the name in the comments section at the end of the form.
  • Section 4: Volunteer requirements

  • Any special dietary requirements?
    Any allergies?
    Any medical conditions?
    Any other information we should know?
  • Full Name
    Contact phone including country and area codes
    Relation to you (e.g. father, wife)
  • .

    I understand that participation in a field visit will take me away from a familiar environment to unfamiliar surroundings and will take personal responsibility for myself and personal possessions.

    I will abide by all applicable Bridging Lanka instructions as outlined in the "Code of Conduct”, together with the laws of the host country, and I will ensure that I have adequate medical and travel insurance coverage, including those for my personal possessions.

    More particularly, I appreciate that Bridging Lanka does not carry accident or injury insurance for my benefit and also that there may be certain matters for which I could be held at fault personally if the accompanying circumstances do not relate to or arise from my field visit or if my activities or conduct fall short of what would be considered a reasonable standard for an individual in my position. In these cases I will be personally accountable in all respects for my own actions and not to ask that Bridging Lanka, its Board of Directors, employees, and agents (the “Released Parties”) to accept the consequences thereof.

    I acknowledge that I have been advised by Bridging Lanka of such risks, dangers and hazards as well as the need to act in a responsible manner at all times. My consent above is given freely in order to indicate my understanding of the acceptance of these realities and in consideration for being permitted by Bridging Lanka to participate in this field visit.
  • If you cannot upload your signature here, you can sign this form when we see you next.