Teens & the Institute of Museum & Library Services
The White House's budget calls for eliminating the Institute of Museum & Library Services (IMLS), the only federal agency charged with providing support to the nation's hundreds of thousands of libraries and museums. Please share your photo or story of how support from IMLS has enabled you and your library or museum to help the teens in your community. YALSA will use this information to advocate against the elimination of IMLS. Thank you!
Your Name
Your Preferred Email
Your library's name
In what way has IMLS provided support to your institution?
IMLS grant
LSTA funding
If you selected "other" please briefly describe: (20 words or less)
Please describe briefly how your community's teens were helped by IMLS. What impact did a service or resource have on the teens themselves? (75 words or less)
Good Example: We purchased databases with LSTA funds, and so far this year 100 low-income teens have used them to take practice tests for college entrance exams.
Not-So-Good Example: we purchased databases with LSTA funds that teens can use
If you have a photo to share that illustrates how IMLS has helped teen patrons, please provide it below. Photo requirements:
File type: JPG or PNG
Dimension: 1600X1200 or similar
File size: 1MB or less
Provide a brief caption for the image: (20 words or less)
I certify I own copyright to the submitted photo (the person who took the photo is the copyright owner).
Not sure
By checking the box below, I grant permission to YALSA to use the information and/or image I shared in this form in its advocacy efforts. Your contact information will not be shared beyond YALSA
Yes, I grant permission