Officer Inspection
  • Use the same name as found on Deputy. Look at the sign on the building or in the parking lot as needed. Where did the officer report to work?
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  • Provide details if officer was not visable, awake, alert and working.
  • Provide details if officer is not wearing proper shirt with patches and/or if shirt is dirty or torn.
  • Provide details if officer is not wearing or is missing S.O. or Rank for collar OR have officer remove unauthorized pins (provide details below)
  • Provide details if officer is not wearing proper name tape, tag or sew on.
  • Provide details if officer is not wearing the proper badge.
  • Provide details if officer is not wearing proper uniform pants and/or belt.
  • Provide details if officer is armed but wearing a holster without a retention system.
  • Per state law, registration card must be in possession of officer while on duty. If officer has card in vehicle or near by, they must retrieve it and keep it on them. If they do NOT have their regestration card you must contact the ASI Chief of Security for guidance.
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  • Ask the officer a question about a situation that might arise while on duty and how they should handle it. If they are not aware of their post orders, show them how to find their post orders on

  • If no, show the officer how to access The Deputy app at
  • If yes, provide name of person and details of the meeting.
  • If you met with client, provide name of person and details.
  • Signature indicates inspection was performed.
  • Signature indicates inspection was performed.